126615-01 Proximitor® I/O 模块是一种远程I/O模块

  • Proximitor® I/O 模块是一种远程I/O模块,设计用于在恶劣环境中进行工业自动化和过程控制。它具有多种数字和模拟输入输出接口,可以适应各种不同的传感器和执行器。此外,它还具有冗余备份功能,即使在发生故障的情况下,也能保证系统的正常运行。Proximitor I/O模块广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、制药等行业的自动化系统中。


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


126615-01 Proximitor® I/O 模块是一种远程I/O模块


  • 通过连续将监控参数与配置的报警设定值进行比较来驱动报警,从而提供机械保护
  • 操作和维护人员的关键机器信息
  • 根据配置,每个通道通常会调节其输入信号以生成一组称为静态值的参数。您可以为每个活动静态值设置警报设定值,并为任意两个活动静态值设置危险设定值。
  • Proximitor® I/O 模块是一种远程I/O模块,设计用于在恶劣环境中进行工业自动化和过程控制。它具有多种数字和模拟输入输出接口,可以适应各种不同的传感器和执行器。此外,它还具有冗余备份功能,即使在发生故障的情况下,也能保证系统的正常运行。Proximitor I/O模块广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、制药等行业的自动化系统中。

126615-01 Proximitor® I/O 模块是一种远程I/O模块

The primary responsibility of the proximity monitor is to provide the following:

Mechanical protection is provided by continuously comparing monitoring parameters with configured alarm Settings to drive alarms
Critical machine information for operation and maintenance personnel
Depending on the configuration, each channel typically adjusts its input signal to generate a set of parameters called static values. You can set an alert setting for each activity static and a danger setting for any two activity static values.

Proximitor® I/O module is a remote I/O module designed for industrial automation and process control in harsh environments. It has a variety of digital and analog input and output interfaces that can be adapted to a variety of different sensors and actuators. In addition, it also has a redundant backup function, even in the case of failure, it can ensure the normal operation of the system. Proximitor I/O modules are widely used in automation systems in the petroleum, chemical, power, pharmaceutical and other industries.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层