133292-01   可以提供稳定和可调整的直流电压的设备


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


133292-01   可以提供稳定和可调整的直流电压的设备



  1. 高效节能:采用整流器等高效电路,可以大幅降低功率损耗和能量浪费。
  2. 稳定性好:输出电压稳定、纹波小、输出电流稳定,不会对被供电设备产生干扰,使其能够以更为稳定的电力驱动。
  3. 可靠性高:具有过载保护、短路保护等安全功能,在电网电压异常或出现短路等故障时能自动停机,确保设备的安全性和可靠性。
  4. 应用广泛:适用于需要长期不间断稳定电源的场合,如电子器件、仪器仪表等领域,包括LED显示屏、半导体激光器、精密仪器等。
  5. 便于集成:可以直接贴装在印刷电路板上,具有小体积、高集成度、高性价比和最佳性能指标的特点。


133292-01   可以提供稳定和可调整的直流电压的设备

A low-voltage DC power module is a device that provides a stable and adjustable DC voltage. This power supply module usually has one or more DC voltage output ports, and the output voltage can be fine-tuned by adjusting the potentiometer on the module or using a digital potentiometer. This power module is widely used in a variety of electronic devices that need a stable DC power supply, such as mobile phones, computers, televisions, etc. In addition, some low-voltage DC power modules also have overload protection, short-circuit protection and other safety functions to ensure the safety of the power supply and electrical equipment.

The low-voltage DC power module has the following features:

High efficiency and energy saving: Using high-efficiency circuits such as rectifiers can greatly reduce power loss and energy waste.
Good stability: the output voltage is stable, the ripple is small, and the output current is stable, which will not interfere with the powered equipment, so that it can be driven with more stable power.
High reliability: It has overload protection, short circuit protection and other safety functions, and can automatically stop when the power grid voltage is abnormal or short circuit occurs, ensuring the safety and reliability of the equipment.
Widely used: suitable for the need for long-term uninterrupted stable power supply, such as electronic devices, instruments and other fields, including LED display, semiconductor laser, precision instruments and so on.
Easy integration: It can be mounted directly on the printed circuit board, with small size, high integration, high cost performance and the best performance indicators.

In addition, it also has an output voltage of less than or equal to 1000V. For more information, it is recommended to consult an electronics professional.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层