138607-01 系统的间隙电压



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138607-01 系统的间隙电压

138607-01 来自 bently nevada 系统的间隙电压

您将间隙电压设置为尽可能靠近线性跨度的中心,并从那里将您的参考归零。设置间隙电压后,您可以使用各种偏移来确定跳闸设定点和警报设定点,或者在原始电压输入到 TVIB 卡后调整信号。

VVIB 卡上的 GEH-6421 第 II 卷描述了如何将探头直接设置到 MKVI。我看到与 BN 机柜并联的唯一优势是将信息发送到系统 1,就像我们在 Hope Creek 所做的那样。如有任何问题,请随时与我联系。

如果您使用过 bently nevada vib 系统,该系统可能会显示来自 bently nevada 系统的间隙电压。但是你必须知道连接监控系统。很长一段时间我调整了 9 伏直流电。





138607-01 系统的间隙电压

138607-01 Gap voltage from a bently nevada system

You set the gap voltage as close to the center of the linear span as possible and zero your reference from there. After setting the gap voltage, you can use various offsets to determine the trip set point and alarm set point, or adjust the signal after the original voltage is entered into the TVIB card.

Volume II of GEH-6421 on the VVIB card describes how to set the probe directly to the MKVI. The only advantage I see in parallel with the BN cabinet is sending information to System 1, as we did at Hope Creek. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

If you have used a bently nevada vib system, the system may display the gap voltage from the bently nevada system. But you must know to connect to the monitoring system. For a long time I adjusted the 9 volts DC.

Transient data interface module is a kind of module used to monitor the operation status of rotating equipment in specific industrial fields, such as power, petrochemical, etc. It has a variety of functions, such as collecting steady-state and transient waveform data, transferring data to the main computer software over Ethernet, and providing standard static data acquisition as well as transient or dynamic data acquisition functions.

The transient data interface module is usually installed in the 3500 frame and runs in the RIM slot of the 3500 frame for use with M-series monitors such as 3500/40M, 3500/42M, etc. It can continuously collect steady-state and transient waveform data, and then transmit the data to the main computer software via Ethernet.

In addition, transient data interface modules have some key characteristics. For example, it provides common functionality to the framework, but is not part of the critical monitoring channel and does not affect the correct and regular operation of the overall monitoring system. In addition, each frame requires a TDI or RIM, and the TDI occupies only one slot in the frame and must be located in a slot (next to the power module). For triple module redundancy (TMR) applications, the 3500 system requires TDI in the form of TMR.

The application of transient data interface modules helps to ensure the normal operation of industrial equipment, thereby improving production efficiency and equipment performance.

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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层