140CPS11420 控制技术


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140CPS11420 控制技术



140CPS11420 控制技术

140CPS11420 module
Control technology
The big feature of DCS in control is that it relies on the flexible configuration of various control and operation modules to achieve a variety of control strategies to meet the needs of different situations, which makes the rather cumbersome and complex propositions realized in the unit combination instrument simple. With the high flexibility and benefit requirements put forward by enterprises, the control scheme based on classical control theory can no longer adapt to it. After the control strategy represented by multivariable predictive control is proposed and successfully applied, process control has been widely concerned by process industry. It should be emphasized that the wide application of various control and optimization technologies is an effective, direct and valuable development direction for mining and improving the comprehensive performance of DCS.
140CPS11420 module

The touch screen is a coordinate system, where you want to choose to directly point that, and the essential difference between a relative positioning system such as the mouse is the intuition-in-place, the characteristics of the coordinate system is that each positioning coordinate has no relationship with the last positioning coordinate, the touch screen is physically a set of vertical coordinate positioning system, each touch data is converted to the coordinates on the screen through calibration data, so that, It is required that the set of coordinates of the touch screen in any case, the output data of the same point is stable, if it is unstable, then the touch screen can not coordinate positioning, the point is not correct, which is the problem of the touch screen: drift. In principle, any touch screen that cannot touch the same sampling data at the same point every time has the problem of drift, and at present, only capacitive touch screen has drift phenomenon.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层