149986-01 接收来自振动传感器的信号

电力行业: 用于监测和保护发电机、涡轮机等旋转设备,确保电力系统的安全运行。
石油和天然气行业: 用于油气勘探和生产中,监测和保护泵、压缩机、离心机等设备。
化工行业: 在化工工厂中,用于监测反应器、离心机等关键设备,以防止设备故障。
制药和食品工业: 用于监测和保护制药和食品生产中的设备,确保产品质量和工艺的稳定性。
交通运输: 在船舶、火车等交通运输设备中,用于监测关键旋转部件的健康状况。
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149986-01 接收来自振动传感器的信号

振动监测: 3500/33继电器模块主要用于监测机械设备的振动。它可以接收来自振动传感器的信号,并进行实时监测和分析。
机械设备保护: 主要用于提供对关键旋转设备(例如发电机、泵、压缩机等)的机械设备保护。这包括检测异常振动和其他可能表明设备故障的信号。
继电器输出: 可能配备继电器输出,以便在检测到异常情况时触发警报或关断设备,以防止进一步的损坏。
通信接口: 支持与其他监测系统和控制系统的通信,以便整合到整个工业自动化系统中。
可编程性: 具备一定的可编程性,以适应不同的监测和保护需求。
电力行业: 用于监测和保护发电机、涡轮机等旋转设备,确保电力系统的安全运行。
石油和天然气行业: 用于油气勘探和生产中,监测和保护泵、压缩机、离心机等设备。
化工行业: 在化工工厂中,用于监测反应器、离心机等关键设备,以防止设备故障。
制药和食品工业: 用于监测和保护制药和食品生产中的设备,确保产品质量和工艺的稳定性。
交通运输: 在船舶、火车等交通运输设备中,用于监测关键旋转部件的健康状况。

149986-01 接收来自振动传感器的信号

Features may include:
Vibration monitoring: The 3500/33 relay module is mainly used to monitor the vibration of mechanical equipment. It can receive signals from vibration sensors and perform real-time monitoring and analysis.
Mechanical equipment protection: Mainly used to provide mechanical equipment protection for critical rotating equipment (such as generators, pumps, compressors, etc.). This includes detecting abnormal vibrations and other signals that may indicate equipment failure.
Relay output: Relay output may be equipped to trigger an alarm or turn off the device if an abnormal condition is detected to prevent further damage.
Communication interface: Supports communication with other monitoring and control systems for integration into the entire industrial automation system.
Programmability: Has a certain degree of programmability to adapt to different monitoring and protection needs.
Possible application areas:
Power industry: Used to monitor and protect rotating equipment such as generators and turbines to ensure the safe operation of power systems.
Oil and gas industry: Used in oil and gas exploration and production to monitor and protect pumps, compressors, centrifuges and other equipment.
Chemical industry: In chemical plants, it is used to monitor critical equipment such as reactors and centrifuges to prevent equipment failure.
Pharmaceutical and food industry: Used to monitor and protect equipment in pharmaceutical and food production to ensure product quality and process stability.
Transportation: In transportation equipment such as ships and trains, it is used to monitor the health of key rotating components.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层