149992-01 有连续运行和间歇运行两种版本



  1. 继电器输出控制:每个通道都可以通过输出信号来控制一个继电器的开关状态,以实现对不同电路的控制。
  2. 多种控制方式:可以通过参数设置来实现不同的控制方式,例如直接控制、互锁控制、延时控制等。
  3. 独立的触发信号:每个通道都可以接收独立的触发信号,从而实现对继电器的精确控制。
  4. 故障诊断功能:模块具有故障诊断功能,可以实时监测自身的运行状态,发现故障时会及时报警并切断输出。
  5. 易于扩展:可以方便地与其他设备进行组合和扩展,例如与PLC、变频器等设备连接。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


149992-01 有连续运行和间歇运行两种版本

BENTLY 149992-01 成型-填充-密封机器用于将可食用粉末、干燥食品和液体包装到袋子和小袋中。这是一种常见的机器设计,有连续运行和间歇运行两种版本。无论采用何种设计,制袋-灌装-封口机的首要设计目标都是以最短的停机时间获得高产量,并能够重新配置机器以满足不断变化的生产要求。
BENTLY 149992-01 三菱电机自动化公司在其Pak/iQ套件中提供了一系列解决方案,通过可靠的机器性能和IIoT功能的系统分析通信来改进此类包装设备的构建。



  1. 继电器输出控制:每个通道都可以通过输出信号来控制一个继电器的开关状态,以实现对不同电路的控制。
  2. 多种控制方式:可以通过参数设置来实现不同的控制方式,例如直接控制、互锁控制、延时控制等。
  3. 独立的触发信号:每个通道都可以接收独立的触发信号,从而实现对继电器的精确控制。
  4. 故障诊断功能:模块具有故障诊断功能,可以实时监测自身的运行状态,发现故障时会及时报警并切断输出。
  5. 易于扩展:可以方便地与其他设备进行组合和扩展,例如与PLC、变频器等设备连接。

149992-01 有连续运行和间歇运行两种版本

The BENTLY 149992-01 Molding, filling and sealing machine is used to pack edible powders, dried foods and liquids into bags and sachets. This is a common machine design that comes in both continuous and intermittent versions. Regardless of the design, the primary design goal of the bag-fill-sealer is to achieve high yields with minimal downtime and to be able to reconfigure the machine to meet changing production requirements.
BENTLY 149992-01 Mitsubishi Electric Automation offers a range of solutions in its Pak/iQ suite to improve the construction of such packaging equipment through reliable machine performance and system analysis communication with IIoT capabilities.
The 16-channel relay output module is a device that can control 16 individual relay channels. Each channel can control the switching state of the relay through the output signal to achieve a variety of different application requirements.
The functions of this module include, but are not limited to:
Relay output control: Each channel can control the switching state of a relay through the output signal to achieve the control of different circuits.
Various control modes: Different control modes can be achieved through parameter Settings, such as direct control, interlock control, delay control, etc.
Independent trigger signal: Each channel can receive an independent trigger signal, thus achieving precise control of the relay.
Fault diagnosis function: The module has the fault diagnosis function, which can monitor its own operating status in real time, and alarm and cut off the output in time when the fault is found.
Easy to expand: It can be easily combined and expanded with other equipment, such as PLC, inverter and other equipment connection.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层