1756-EN2TR AB罗克韦尔PLC全系列产品


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


1756-EN2TR AB罗克韦尔PLC全系列产品


上海AB罗克韦尔经销物联网、大数据、云计算、人工智能等创新技术推进智能制造变革的速度和对行业影响的深度是前所未有的。实现工业4.0价值创新的关键一环,源自于对数据的。对于向智能制造转型升级的企业来说,大的挑战并不是获取数据,而是如何利用新的大数据技术发现数据背后的价值,并准确、迅速的做出业务决策。控制器以关键的 MicroLogix 1100 特性为基础而构建:EtherNet/IP?,在线编辑和内置 LCD。这些控制器采用更高的 I/O 数量、更快的高速计数器、脉冲序列输出、增强网络功能和 LCD 的背光源。不带嵌入式模拟量 I/O 点的控制器提供 32 个数字量 I/O 点,而模拟量型号提供 32 个数字量 I/O 点和 6 个模拟量 I/O 点。可以使用多 7 个 1762 扩展 I/O 模块扩展所有型号。特性

1756-EN2TR AB罗克韦尔PLC全系列产品

AB Rockwell 1756-EN2TR description Book company sells a full range of AB Rockwell PLC products, to ensure the original, penalty ten, affordable, hope that the majority of customers in the 40th year of reform and opening up – in 2018, a hundred years of Rockwell automation in the market also ushered in his prime of life. AB Rockwell 1756-EN2TR Specification Rockwell Automation Shi ‘an: Work together to create the future of manufacturing, to achieve food and clothing to think about how to profit.” Shi An talked about survival is not a “flash in the pan”, but a long-term survival. The manufacturing industry will face challenges to survive, Shi An summarized it into three categories: people, human resources shortage, family business is difficult to inherit, the original intention of the enterprise lost; At the market level, homogenization of products and overcapacity, the change of the Internet to business; And rising labor, resources, and costs. The core competitiveness behind an iron pot

The speed at which innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are advancing the transformation of intelligent manufacturing and the depth of their impact on the industry is unprecedented. A key part of achieving value innovation in Industry 4.0 comes from the data. For enterprises transforming and upgrading to intelligent manufacturing, the big challenge is not to obtain data, but how to use the new big data technology to discover the value behind the data, and make accurate and rapid business decisions. The controller is built around key MicroLogix 1100 features: EtherNet/IP? , online editing and built-in LCD. These controllers feature higher I/O counts, faster high-speed counters, pulse train outputs, enhanced networking capabilities, and LCD backlight. Controllers without embedded analog I/O points offer 32 digital I/O points, while analog models offer 32 digital I/O points and 6 analog I/O points. All models can be extended with up to seven 1762 extended I/O modules. peculiarity
Marked products pass accordingly. Please visit our product site to learn about declarations of conformity, certificates and other details AB Rockwell Beijing welcomes you and the role of each part
There are many types of PLC, functions and instructions are not the same, but the structure and working principle are much the same, usually by the host, input/output interface, power expander interface and external device interface and other main parts.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层