1756-IB16 AMAX-2700

1756-IB16D参数plc要求环境温度在0~55℃,安装时不能放在发热量大的元件下面,四周通风散热的空间应足 够大,基本单元和扩展单元之间要有30mm以上间隔;开关柜上、下部应有通风的百叶窗,防止太阳光直接照射;如果周围环境过55℃,要安装电风扇强迫通风。 ??2. 湿度 ??为了保证plc的绝缘性能,空气的相对湿度应小于85%(无凝露)。 ??3. 震动 ??应使plc远离强烈的震动源,防止振动频率为10~55hz的频繁或连续振动。当使用环境不可避 免震动时,必须采取减震措施,如采用减震胶等。1756-IB16D参数 ??4. 空气 ??避免有腐蚀和易燃的气体,例如氯化氢、硫化氢等。对于空气中有较多粉尘或腐蚀性气体的环境,可将plc安装在封闭性较好的控制室或控制柜中,并安装空气净化装置。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


1756-IB16 AMAX-2700

1756-IB16D参数plc要求环境温度在0~55℃,安装时不能放在发热量大的元件下面,四周通风散热的空间应足 够大,基本单元和扩展单元之间要有30mm以上间隔;开关柜上、下部应有通风的百叶窗,防止太阳光直接照射;如果周围环境过55℃,要安装电风扇强迫通风。 ??2. 湿度 ??为了保证plc的绝缘性能,空气的相对湿度应小于85%(无凝露)。 ??3. 震动 ??应使plc远离强烈的震动源,防止振动频率为10~55hz的频繁或连续振动。当使用环境不可避 免震动时,必须采取减震措施,如采用减震胶等。1756-IB16D参数 ??4. 空气 ??避免有腐蚀和易燃的气体,例如氯化氢、硫化氢等。对于空气中有较多粉尘或腐蚀性气体的环境,可将plc安装在封闭性较好的控制室或控制柜中,并安装空气净化装置。

AMAX-2700系列是专为AMONet 高速RS-485扩充数字输出入点的模块。其高速、弹性与成本效益特点为机台设备商提供一套严谨的解决方案。有四种主要的数字输出入模块,包含32点输入、32点输出、16点输/出和8点输出/入。随着这些模块,传感器/传感器能够直接连结到模块,无需额外的转接板。1756-IB16D参数输出入点数串接长可达100公尺,AMONet 高速RS-485兼具简单、节省配线和高速的特点,可在1.04毫秒扫瞄2048输出入通道,也因其整合的可插拔配线端子模块设计让工程师的安装及维护作业更为省时。

1756-IB16 AMAX-2700

1756-IB16D parameters plc requires the ambient temperature of 0~55℃, installation can not be placed under the heat of the elements, the surrounding ventilation and heat dissipation space should be large enough, the basic unit and the expansion unit should have more than 30mm between; The upper and lower parts of the switchgear should have ventilated shutters to prevent direct sunlight exposure; If the surrounding environment is over 55 ° C, it is necessary to install an electric fan for forced ventilation. ?? 2. Humidity?? In order to ensure the insulation performance of the plc, the relative humidity of the air should be less than 85% (no condensation). ?? 3. Vibration?? The plc should be kept away from the strong vibration source to prevent frequent or continuous vibration with a vibration frequency of 10~55hz. When the use of the environment can not avoid vibration, shock absorption measures must be taken, such as the use of shock absorption glue. 1756-IB16D parameters?? 4. The air? Avoid corrosive and flammable gases, such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, etc. For the environment with more dust or corrosive gases in the air, the plc can be installed in a better closed control room or control cabinet, and the air purification device is installed.

The AMAX-2700 series is a module designed to augment digital input and exit points for AMONet high-speed RS-485. Its high-speed, flexible and cost-effective features provide a rigorous solution for machine equipment manufacturers. There are four main types of digital input/output modules, including 32 point input, 32 point output, 16 point input/output and 8 point output/input. With these modules, the sensor/sensor can be connected directly to the module without the need for additional switching boards. The 1756-IB16D parameter input/output points can be connected up to 100 meters long, AMONet high-speed RS-485 combines the characteristics of simplicity, wiring saving and high speed, can scan 2048 input/output channels in 1.04 milliseconds, and thanks to its integrated pluggable wiring terminal design, engineers can install and maintain less time.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层