1756-OB16E 高速RS-485扩充数字输出入点的模块

控制器可安装到任何 1756 机箱插槽中,并使用单个插槽宽度。控制器通过本地 I/O 事件触发器机制执行的任务数量不受限制,编程是使用 Studio 5000 Logix Designer 应用程序版本 3.0 或更高版本实现的。1756-L84E 具有内置 USB 端口,专门用于编程、在线编辑和固件更新,不适用于危险条件。它还具有内置的嵌入式1 GB以太网端口,最多支持250个节点,并在EtherNet / IP网络上提供增强的性能,更广泛的通信和集成的运动控制。该控制器被指定为T4温度代码,并经过IEC测试,可在0-60度下工作。摄氏温度范围,在 5-95% 非冷凝相对湿度限制下不降低额定值。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


1756-OB16E 高速RS-485扩充数字输出入点的模块

控制器可安装到任何 1756 机箱插槽中,并使用单个插槽宽度。控制器通过本地 I/O 事件触发器机制执行的任务数量不受限制,编程是使用 Studio 5000 Logix Designer 应用程序版本 3.0 或更高版本实现的。1756-L84E 具有内置 USB 端口,专门用于编程、在线编辑和固件更新,不适用于危险条件。它还具有内置的嵌入式1 GB以太网端口,最多支持250个节点,并在EtherNet / IP网络上提供增强的性能,更广泛的通信和集成的运动控制。该控制器被指定为T4温度代码,并经过IEC测试,可在0-60度下工作。摄氏温度范围,在 5-95% 非冷凝相对湿度限制下不降低额定值。1756-L84E 可以承受 30G 的冲击和 2G 的振动,整个控制器的重量约为 0.394kg。

Allen-Bradley 1756-L84E是一款ControlLogix控制器。该控制器属于具有现代设计和连接的高端控制器。该控制器非常适合大型应用,因为它可用于连接和控制输入和输出设备,特别是128,000个离散输入和输出以及4000个模拟输入和输出。

Allen-Bradley 1756-L84E 是一款 ControlLogix 控制器,使用 Studio 5000 Logix Designer 编程软件进行编程和配置。它支持本地 I/O 控制以及利用一种或多种通信协议(如 EtherNet/IP、ControlNet、DeviceNet、Data Highway Plus、Remote I/O、SynchLink 以及第三方进程和设备网络

)实现分布式 I/O 架构 1756-L84E 带有集成通信端口,如一 (1) 以太网 I/P。该嵌入式端口支持10/100/1000 Mbps的传输速度,可用于通过同一以太网网络内的消息传递指令与人机界面(HMI)、监控和数据采集(SCADA)和其他控制器进行通信。此外,它还具有USB接口,可用于固件修订和控制器参数的初始下载。USB 端口是支持 12 Mbps 通信速度的 USB 2.0。

A-B模块1771-P4R 罗克韦尔 Allen-Bradley 优势

1756-OB16E 高速RS-485扩充数字输出入点的模块

1756-OB16E plc requires an ambient temperature of 0~55 ° C, installation can not be placed under the heat of the elements, the surrounding ventilation and heat dissipation space should be large enough, between the basic unit and the expansion unit to have more than 30mm interval; The upper and lower parts of the switchgear should have ventilated shutters to prevent direct sunlight exposure; If the surrounding environment is over 55 ° C, it is necessary to install an electric fan for forced ventilation. ?? 2. Humidity?? In order to ensure the insulation performance of the plc, the relative humidity of the air should be less than 85% (no condensation). ?? 3. Vibration?? The plc should be kept away from the strong vibration source to prevent frequent or continuous vibration with a vibration frequency of 10~55hz. When the use of the environment can not avoid vibration, shock absorption measures must be taken, such as the use of shock absorption glue. 1756-OB16E Description?? 4. The air? Avoid corrosive and flammable gases, such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, etc. For the environment with more dust or corrosive gases in the air, the plc can be installed in a better closed control room or control cabinet, and the air purification device is installed.

The AMAX-2700 series is a module designed to augment digital input and exit points for AMONet high-speed RS-485. Its high-speed, flexible and cost-effective features provide a rigorous solution for machine equipment manufacturers. There are four main types of digital input/output modules, including 32 point input, 32 point output, 16 point input/output and 8 point output/input. With these modules, the sensor/sensor can be connected directly to the module without the need for additional switching boards. 1756-OB16E Description With a string of input and output points up to 100 meters long, AMONet high-speed RS-485 combines simplicity, wiring savings and high speed, can scan 2048 input and output channels in 1.04 milliseconds, and thanks to its integrated pluggable wiring terminal design, engineers have less time to install and maintain operations.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层