1756-RM2  规格参数工业计算机

1756-RM2规格参数工业计算机只需一个普通网卡即可通过以太网LAN从PLC主站接收数据。 PLC主张由一台AC500系列PLC和相应的外围设备组成,并放置在中央控制室内。 PLC主站从分布式I / O接收数据,执行相关处理和控制,并通过标准工业以太网TCP / IP通信模块(TB521-ETH)以10 mbit / m的传输速率将其传输到工业控制计算机s,介质是双重屏蔽的。

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1756-RM2  规格参数工业计算机

1756-RM2规格参数工业计算机只需一个普通网卡即可通过以太网LAN从PLC主站接收数据。 PLC主张由一台AC500系列PLC和相应的外围设备组成,并放置在中央控制室内。 PLC主站从分布式I / O接收数据,执行相关处理和控制,并通过标准工业以太网TCP / IP通信模块(TB521-ETH)以10 mbit / m的传输速率将其传输到工业控制计算机s,介质是双重屏蔽的。


1756-RM2规格参数1. 编程操作



1打开GX Developer编程软件,创建一个新项目并命名。




2节目阅读。 PLC用户存储器中的程序通过[Read In]操作读入计算机,然后进行检查。


2. 运行操作


1根据梯形图程序,将PLC的输入/输出连接到部件的输入信号。 PLC的输入/输出编号和描述如表1所示。




当PLC的rs-485端口通过非隔离的pc / ppi电缆连接到计算机时,plc和plc之间的连接,或plc和逆变器之间的通信,触摸屏等,通讯端口损坏。更常见的损害赔偿如下:


(2)sn75176损伤,R1,R2,Z1,Z2均处于良好状态。这可能是由于静电冲击或暂态过电压速度比Z1,Z2动作速度快,静电无处不在,只有人的模式也会产生±15 kV的静电。







1756-RM2  规格参数工业计算机

1756-RM2 Specifications Industrial computers need only a common network card to receive data from the PLC master station over an Ethernet LAN. The PLC is composed of an AC500 series PLC and the corresponding peripheral equipment, and is placed in the central control room. The PLC master station receives data from distributed I/O, performs related processing and control, and transmits it to the industrial control computer s at a transmission rate of 10 mbit/m via the standard Industrial Ethernet TCP/IP communication module (TB521-ETH), the media is doubly shielded. Twisted

The central processing unit (CPU) consists of a controller, an arithmetic unit, and a register, which are integrated into a chip. The CPU is connected to the memory, input/output interface, programmer and power supply via the data bus, address bus, control bus and power supply bus. 1756-RM2 Specifications

1756-RM2 Specifications 1. Programming operations

(1) Program preparation. Check that the connection between the PLC and the computer is correct, that the RS232C port of the computer is connected to the PLC and that the range line and converter are connected: keep the PLC in the “off” state; There is a power supply on the computer and PLC.

(2) Programming operation.

1 Open the GX Developer programming software, create a new project and name it.

(2) Use the ladder diagram programming method to edit and save the ladder diagram program as shown in Figure 1.

(3) Transmission of the program.

Programming. The edited program is written into PLC user memory and checked.

2 Program reading. Programs In the PLC user memory are Read into the computer by the [Read In] operation and then checked.

(3) Program check. In the process of checking the above programs, only when the programs on both ends of the computer are relatively correct, can the program be considered to be correctly transmitted, otherwise the cause should be identified and re-transmitted.

2. Run the operation

After the program is transferred to the PLC user memory, the program can be run in the following manner.

1 Connect the input/output of the PLC to the input signal of the component according to the ladder diagram program. The input/output numbers and descriptions of PLC are shown in Table 1.

(2) Open the PLC operating switch, and the running light on the PLC panel indicates that the program has been put into operation.

The control program should be combined with the control program to operate the input signal and observe the change of the input/output indicator light in different input states. If the status of the output indicator is consistent with the program control requirements, it indicates that the program is running normally.

1. Common fault phenomena

When the PLC’s rs-485 port is connected to the computer through a non-isolated pc/ppi cable, the connection between the plc and the plc, or the communication between the plc and the inverter, the touch screen, etc., the communication port is damaged. More common damages are as follows:

(1) R1 or R2 is burnt out, Z1, Z2 and SN75176 are intact. This is because the transient interference current through R1 or R2, bridge rectifier, Z1 or Z1 to the ground is large, Z1 and Z2 can withstand the impact of *10A current, the current generated by R1 or R2 transient power is 102*10=1000W, of course, it will burn out.

(2) sn75176 damage, R1, R2, Z1, Z2 are in good condition. This may be due to static shock or transient overvoltage speed faster than Z1, Z2 operation speed, static electricity everywhere, only the human mode will produce ±15 kV static electricity.

(3) z1 or z2, sn75176 damaged, r1 and r2 intact. This may be due to high voltage and low current transient interference voltage breakdown z1 or z2 and sn75176. Due to the small current and short generation time, r1 and r2 do not burn.

2. Cause analysis of failure

According to the analysis in 1, the main causes of PLC interface damage are transient overvoltage and static electricity. There are many reasons for transient overvoltage and static electricity. For example, because the 24V power supply and 5V power supply in the PLC are common ground, the output of the 24V power supply may cause a change in the ground potential when mixed with other equipment. Common-mode voltage out allowable range. As a result, the EIA-485 standard requires signals from each RS485 interface to be connected via low-resistance wires to ensure equal ground potentials at each node and eliminate grounding cycles.

(1) When the unisolated connection cable is connected to the line, there are many inductors, capacitors and other devices in the circuit with unequal potentials at both ends, so there will inevitably be transient overvoltage or overcurrent when plugged in and out. Based on this consideration, when the communication connector is inserted, the device is cut off as much as possible.

(2) Transient overvoltage or overcurrent generated by other devices connected to the rs-485 bus will also flow into the plc. The more devices connected to the bus, the more transient overvoltages are generated.

(3) Lightning is a interference that must be considered when communication lines are long or outdoor overhead lines. Lightning is the main source of natural interference. The disturbance caused by lightning can travel thousands of kilometers. The time domain waveform of lightning interference is superimposed on a large spike pulse in a random pulse background. This energy-dense spike will inevitably cause line overvoltage and damage equipment connected to communication networks such as PLCS. Damage and loss should be avoided or minimized.

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