1783-US4T1H 非管理工业以太网交换机

该设备的平均温度范围从-40摄氏度到70摄氏度;其输入电压范围为12至48伏直流电或18至30伏交流电,频率在50至60赫兹之间,并且可以安装在din导轨上。其标称AC/DC电流分别约为360/180 mA,最大DC电流为380 mA,最大AC电流为750 mA。最大功耗为3.4瓦。

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1783-US4T1H 非管理工业以太网交换机

世界级制造商Allen Bradley的1783-US4T1H是一款用于网络的非管理工业以太网交换机。使用此交换机增加了网络的弹性和性能,并减轻了任何网络流量问题,除了有充分的保护。该交换机有四(4)个快速RJ45以太网端口和一个(1)个快速SFT(单模光纤预安装)以太网端口,总共五(5)个端口。凭借闪存(SD)和紧凑的设计,该设备可以最大限度地提高存储空间。

该设备的平均温度范围从-40摄氏度到70摄氏度;其输入电压范围为12至48伏直流电或18至30伏交流电,频率在50至60赫兹之间,并且可以安装在din导轨上。其标称AC/DC电流分别约为360/180 mA,最大DC电流为380 mA,最大AC电流为750 mA。最大功耗为3.4瓦。

1783-US4T1H单元需要一种由铜制成的尺寸为2.5平方毫米(14 AWG)的特定类型的电线,其接地连接必须能够承受高达187华氏度(86摄氏度)的温度。它的电源端子螺丝有一个扭矩8.05英寸每磅,与开放式接地端子螺丝。

1783-US4T1H通过增加保护系统来控制单元的日常流量,减少了不必要的流量问题,使网络通信路径更加开放。这种类型的交换机还使用AOP (CIP)和实时诊断来解决所提出的问题。增加电源输入可以增加输入容量,减少恶劣环境下的使用时间。该模块符合ROHS材料限制标准,增加了其耐用性和兼容性,尺寸为4.51 x 3.02 x 1.17英寸(114.5 x 76.8 x 29.6毫米)。

1783-US4T1H 非管理工业以太网交换机

The 1783-US4T1H by world-class manufacturer Allen Bradley is an unmanaged industrial Ethernet switch used for networking. Using this switch increases the network’s elasticity and performance, and eases any network traffic problems in addition to having full protection. This switch has four (4) fast RJ45 Ethernet ports and one (1) fast SFT (Single-mode Fiber Pre-installed) Ethernet port giving it a total of five (5) ports. With flash memory (SD) and a compact design, this unit is made to maximize storage space.

This unit has an average temperature range that extends from -40 degrees Celsius to 70; its input voltage can range between 12 and 48 Volts DC or 18 to 30 Volts AC, at between 50 and 60 Hertz, and it can be mounted on a DIN-rail. Its Nominal AC/DC current is around 360/180 mA respectively, while its Maximum DC current is 380 mA, its Maximum AC current being 750 mA. At maximum, it consumes 3.4 Watts of power.

The 1783-US4T1H unit requires a specific type of wire with a size of 2.5 square millimeters (14 AWG) made of copper, which must be able to withstand temperatures up to 187 degrees Fahrenheit (86 degrees Celsius) for its ground connection. Its power terminal screw has a torque of 8.05 inches per pound, with an Open-Style ground terminal screw.

The 1783-US4T1H has reduced the problem of unwanted traffic by adding a protection system to control the unit’s daily traffic and make the network communication path more open. This type of switch also uses AOP (CIP) and real-time diagnostics to approach solutions to the presented problems. Adding power inputs can increase the input capacity and minimize time in harsh environments. This module meets the ROHS material restriction standards, increasing its durability and compatibility, and has dimensions of 4.51 x 3.02 x 1.17 inches (114.5 x 76.8 x 29.6 millimeters).


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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层