200-570-000-014 采用新的技术和标准设计

自我监控:采用新的技术和标准设计,包括的自我监控和诊断,从根本上简单、可靠和稳健从而实现十年的 验证测试间隔。应用:系统模块化允许为 广泛的关键应用提供可靠和强大的超速保护。危险区域: 电隔离 Ex 认证(ATEX/IECEx)输入无需外部安全屏障,支持传感器/测量链监控并减少现场故障。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


200-570-000-014 采用新的技术和标准设计

自我监控:采用新的技术和标准设计,包括的自我监控和诊断,从根本上简单、可靠和稳健从而实现十年的 验证测试间隔。应用:系统模块化允许为 广泛的关键应用提供可靠和强大的超速保护。危险区域: 电隔离 Ex 认证(ATEX/IECEx)输入无需外部安全屏障,支持传感器/测量链监控并减少现场故障。
来自 vibro-meter@ 产品线的 VibroSmart 使操作员能够经济高效地监控和保护关键的小型机械,而不会影响性能。
VibroSmart 是一系列可联网设备,开发用于实施机械保护系统(MPS) 和/或状态监测系统(CMS) 解决方案,具有中低测量通道密度,可以安装在任何需要的地方。
降低安装成本一一由于 Vibrosmart 设备直接安装在机器上或机器附近,操作员可以节省高达30% 的安装和布线成本。使用标准以太网电缆有助于简化安装。多功能解决方案Vibrosmart VSV301 可以处理大多数类型的信号振动、位移和动态压力。它可以配置为提供 MPS 和/或 CMS 功能的组合。根据您的需要简单或精细一Vibrosmart 的模块化结构具有高度的灵活性和可扩展性。单个VibroSmart VSV301 可以作为独立系统运行,也可以与其他 Vibrosmart 设备结合使用以提供网络监控系统。

200-570-000-014 采用新的技术和标准设计

Self-monitoring: Designed with new technologies and standards, including self-monitoring and diagnostics, it is fundamentally simple, reliable and robust to achieve a 10-year verification test interval. Applications: System modularity allows for reliable and robust overspeed protection for a wide range of critical applications. Hazardous areas: Electrically isolated Ex certified (ATEX/IECEx) inputs require no external safety barriers, enabling sensor/measurement chain monitoring and reducing field failures.
The VibroSmart from the vibro-meter@ product line enables operators to cost-effectively monitor and protect critical small machinery without compromising performance.
VibroSmart is a family of networked devices developed for the implementation of Mechanical Protection systems (MPS) and/or condition monitoring systems (CMS) solutions with low to medium measurement channel densities that can be installed wherever needed.
Major advantage
Reduced installation costs – Because Vibrosmart devices are installed directly on or near the machine, operators can save up to 30% on installation and wiring costs. Using standard Ethernet cables helps simplify installation. The versatile solution Vibrosmart VSV301 can handle most types of signal vibration, displacement and dynamic pressure. It can be configured to provide a combination of MPS and/or CMS capabilities. Simple or refined according to your needs – Vibrosmart’s modular structure offers a high degree of flexibility and scalability. A single VibroSmart VSV301 can operate as a standalone system or in combination with other Vibrosmart devices to provide a network monitoring system.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层