216AB61-HESG324013R101 ABB 模拟输入输出模块

ABB 216AB61-HESG324013R101可能是一款模拟输入输出模块,用于工业自动化系统中的模拟信号处理和转换。该模块可能具有高精度和可靠性,能够处理多种模拟信号输入,并将其转换为数字信号输出,或者将数字信号转换为模拟信号输出。


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层



ABB 216AB61-HESG324013R101可能是一款模拟输入输出模块,用于工业自动化系统中的模拟信号处理和转换。该模块可能具有高精度和可靠性,能够处理多种模拟信号输入,并将其转换为数字信号输出,或者将数字信号转换为模拟信号输出。

  1. 输入输出通道
    • 可能具有多个模拟输入输出通道,用于连接和处理多个模拟信号源。
    • 通道数量可能因具体型号而异,但通常能够满足工业自动化系统的需求。
  2. 模拟信号范围
    • 输入模拟信号范围可能包括0…20 mA、4…20 mA dc等标准模拟信号。
    • 输出模拟信号范围也可能根据应用需求进行配置。
  3. 分辨率与精度
    • 分辨率可能高达12位,确保对模拟信号的精确采样和转换。
    • 精度可能通过内置校准和补偿功能得到保证,以满足高精度应用的需求。
  4. 保护与隔离
    • 输入通道可能具有短路保护和过压保护功能,以保护模块免受损坏。
    • 输入和输出通道可能与地隔离,以减少干扰和提高信号质量。
  5. 通信与接口
    • 可能支持多种通信协议和接口,如RS-485、Ethernet等,以便于与其他设备和系统进行集成。
    • 接口可能采用可拆卸连接器设计,便于安装和维护。
  6. 电源与功耗
    • 通常采用24伏直流电源供电。
    • 功耗可能较低,以满足工业自动化系统的能效要求


ABB 216AB61-HESG324013R101


  • 电源与功耗
    • 通常采用24伏直流电源供电。
    • 功耗可能较低,以满足工业自动化系统的能效要求。
  • 保护与隔离
    • 输入通道可能具有短路保护和过压保护功能。
    • 输入和输出通道可能与地隔离,以减少干扰。
  • 通信与接口
    • 可能支持多种通信协议和接口,如RS-485、Ethernet等。
    • 接口可能采用可拆卸连接器设计。


  1. 工业自动化
    • 广泛应用于工业自动化系统,如制造、加工、装配等生产线。
    • 可用于连接和处理各种传感器和执行器的模拟信号。
  2. 电气控制系统
    • 适用于电气控制盘和电气控制系统中,确保控制系统的可靠运行。
    • 可用于电力分配设备、变电站和发电厂中,以提高电力系统的可靠性和连续供电能力。
  3. 过程控制
    • 在化工、石油、制药等行业中,用于对气体或液体的压力、流量、温度等参数进行精确控制。
    • 可与ABB的Experion过程知识系统(PKS)配合使用,实现工业过程的自动化管理。

Product details:

ABB 216AB61-HESG324013R101 may be an analog input/output module used for analog signal processing and conversion in industrial automation systems. This module may have high precision and reliability, capable of processing multiple analog signal inputs and converting them into digital signal outputs, or converting digital signals into analog signal outputs.

Input/output channels
It may have multiple analog input/output channels for connecting and processing multiple analog signal sources.
The number of channels may vary depending on the specific model, but it usually meets the needs of industrial automation systems.
Analog signal range
The input analog signal range may include standard analog signals such as 0… 20 mA, 4… 20 mA DC, etc.
The range of output analog signals may also be configured according to application requirements.
Resolution and accuracy
The resolution may reach up to 12 bits, ensuring accurate sampling and conversion of analog signals.
Accuracy may be guaranteed through built-in calibration and compensation functions to meet the needs of high-precision applications.
Protection and isolation
The input channel may have short-circuit protection and overvoltage protection functions to protect the module from damage.
The input and output channels may be isolated from the ground to reduce interference and improve signal quality.
Communication and Interface
It may support multiple communication protocols and interfaces, such as RS-485, Ethernet, etc., to facilitate integration with other devices and systems.
The interface may adopt a detachable connector design for easy installation and maintenance.
Power supply and power consumption
Usually powered by a 24 volt DC power supply.
Power consumption may be low to meet the energy efficiency requirements of industrial automation systems


ABB 216AB61-HESG324013R101

Product parameters:

Power supply and power consumption:
Usually powered by a 24 volt DC power supply.
The power consumption may be low to meet the energy efficiency requirements of industrial automation systems.
Protection and isolation:
The input channel may have short-circuit protection and overvoltage protection functions.
The input and output channels may be isolated from ground to reduce interference.
Communication and Interface:
It may support multiple communication protocols and interfaces, such as RS-485, Ethernet, etc.
The interface may adopt a detachable connector design.

Application field:

Industrial automation:
Widely used in industrial automation systems, such as manufacturing, processing, assembly and other production lines.
Can be used to connect and process analog signals from various sensors and actuators.
Electrical control system:
Suitable for electrical control panels and electrical control systems, ensuring the reliable operation of the control system.
It can be used in power distribution equipment, substations, and power plants to improve the reliability and continuous power supply capacity of the power system.
Process control:
In industries such as chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceuticals, it is used for precise control of parameters such as pressure, flow rate, and temperature of gases or liquids.
It can be used in conjunction with ABB’s Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) to achieve automated management of industrial processes.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层