216VC62a 五大控制

  • 介绍的五大控制,头三个是为了使不同的系统都能实现自动化。信息控制是为了实现信息化,其目的是使自动化能建立在信息化的基础上,实现管理与控制结合,进而做到供、产、销无缝连接,确保自动化效益。


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216VC62a 五大控制




216VC62a 五大控制

Of the five controls introduced, the first three are designed to automate different systems. Information control is to achieve information, its purpose is to make automation can be built on the basis of information, to achieve the combination of management and control, and then to achieve the seamless connection of supply, production and marketing, to ensure the benefits of automation.
Remote control is to enable automation based on information technology to be remote. It can realize the information summary in every corner, ensure the integrity of information, and provide convenience for the comprehensive use of information; And for the expansion of automation, it can develop from the local equipment level to the global production line level, workshop level, so that the factory level, regional level, the establishment of automated factories and digital cities, providing the possibility. Obviously, this large-scale, large-scale automation, information, will have greater power and greater benefits.
With the advancement of such automation, information and remote, the system will become more and more complex. To this end, these controls must also be implemented for control. Otherwise, if the situation changes, or there is a failure, and you cannot respond in time, all the benefits of these controls will be lost.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层