230025-00 专门设计用于持续监控和保护广泛行业中的重要中低临界机械的设备

的资产,而不是等到生产停机更换设备。2300系列监视器支持基于状态的监控和支持各种接和功能的保护。输入包括地震和速度传感器,输出包括继电器,缓冲输出,TCP/IP以太网和LCD显示器。这监视器可提供4-20 mA输出(2300/20)或aTrendMaster SPA线接口(2300/25)。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


230025-00 专门设计用于持续监控和保护广泛行业中的重要中低临界机械的设备

的资产,而不是等到生产停机更换设备。2300系列监视器支持基于状态的监控和支持各种接和功能的保护。输入包括地震和速度传感器,输出包括继电器,缓冲输出,TCP/IP以太网和LCD显示器。这监视器可提供4-20 mA输出(2300/20)或aTrendMaster SPA线接口(2300/25)。

2300系列双通道振动监测器是一种专门设计用于持续监控和保护广泛行业中的重要中低临界机械的设备。它可以提供具有成本效益的连续振动监测和保护功能。这种监测器具有两个加速度输入,可以接收来自各种加速度计、Velomitor和Proximitor类型的地震或接近测量输入信号。它还具备两个带可编程设定点的继电器输出,以太网10/100 Base-T通信接口,以及持续监控和保护功能。2300系列振动监测器适用于石油和天然气、发电、水处理、纸浆和造纸、制造、采矿、水泥等行业的机械监测。

230025-00 专门设计用于持续监控和保护广泛行业中的重要中低临界机械的设备

The 2300 monitor features two seismic channels and a velocity channel to provide continuous monitoring and protection (plant balance) equipment for the BOP. It works perfectly with “proactive” to manage you
Instead of waiting until production shuts down to replace equipment. The 2300 Series monitors support stateful monitoring and support protection for various connections and functions. Inputs include seismic and speed sensors, outputs include relays, buffer outputs, TCP/IP Ethernet, and LCD displays. This monitor is available with a 4-20 mA output (23/20) or aTrendMaster SPA cable interface (23/25).

The 2300 Series dual channel vibration monitor is a device specifically designed to continuously monitor and protect critical low – and medium-critical machinery in a wide range of industries. It provides cost-effective continuous vibration monitoring and protection. This monitor has two acceleration inputs and can receive seismic or proximity measurement input signals from various accelerometer, Velomitor and Proximitor types. It also features two relay outputs with programmable set points, an Ethernet 10/100 Base-T communication interface, and continuous monitoring and protection. The 2300 Series vibration monitors are suitable for mechanical monitoring in the oil and gas, power generation, water treatment, pulp and paper, manufacturing, mining, cement and other industries.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层