2N3A3110-C 东芝模块TOSHIBA

2N3A3110-C东芝模块TOSHIBA 2N3A3110-C,2N3A3620-B, 2N3A8130-A, 2N3A3120-D东芝模块,芝IGCT模块


业务领域包括数码产品、电子元器件、社会基础设备、家电等东芝模块TOSHIBA 2N3A3110-C安装调试.确保2N3A3110-C在设定地址前完成电力


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


2N3A3110-C 东芝模块TOSHIBA

2N3A3110-C东芝模块TOSHIBA 2N3A3110-C,2N3A3620-B, 2N3A8130-A, 2N3A3120-D东芝模块,芝IGCT模块


业务领域包括数码产品、电子元器件、社会基础设备、家电等东芝模块TOSHIBA 2N3A3110-C安装调试.确保2N3A3110-C在设定地址前完成电力

排线.2N3A3110-C先送内机电源再送外机电源,如果在开启室内机之前开启室外机,外机P.C.板 上7段显示码会显示E19,直至开启室内机电源。

.自动寻址可能会花费十分钟时间(正常为5分钟) .自动寻址要求在室外机操作。 (仅打开电源不能自动寻址。) .自动寻址会使用到室外机P.C.板界面

上的SW15按键1.首先送上室内机电源,然后再送室外机电源。2.电源送 上后确认室外主机P.C.板界面上7段显示板显示U.1.L08(此时U.1.闪烁)3.按下

SW15 (7段显示板有了变化松开,正常3秒左右)开始自动寻址(通常为5分钟)。4.7段 显示指示Auto1然后Auto2到Auto3指示U.1.- -(U.1. 闪烁)开

始在显示器上闪烁后。闪烁停止显示器显示U.1.- -(U.1.灯常亮), 设定完成。调试前准备工作1.确定保压正常,系统无漏。2. 算好铜管每米追加量与

机组的修正量。3. 液管与气管阀门打开。

2N3A3110-C 东芝模块TOSHIBA

2N3A3110-C TOSHIBA 2N3A3110-C, 2N3A3620-B, 2N3A8130-A, 2N3A3120-D Toshiba module, IGCT module

Founded in 1875, Toshiba Group is committed to striving for the future of humanity and the planet, striving to become a business group that can create rich value and contribute to the life and culture of all mankind

Business areas include digital products, electronic components, social infrastructure equipment, home appliances and other TOSHIBA modules Toshiba 2N3A3110-C installation and commissioning. Ensure that 2N3A3110-C completes power before setting the address

2N3A3110-C Sends the internal power supply before the external power supply. If the outdoor power supply is started before the indoor power supply, the external power supply is P.C. The seven-segment display code on the board displays E19 until the indoor unit is powered on.

Auto addressing may take up to ten minutes (normal is 5 minutes). Auto addressing requires outdoor unit operation. (Power on alone does not automatically address.) Automatic addressing is used to the outdoor unit P.C. board interface

SW15 button 1. Power to the indoor unit first, and then to the outdoor unit. 2. After the power is powered on, check that the seven-segment display board on the outdoor host P.C. board displays U.1.L08(U. Blink)3. Press down

SW15 (7-segment display board with a change to release, normal 3 seconds or so) begins auto-addressing (usually 5 minutes). Segment 4.7 shows indication Auto1 and then Auto2 through Auto3 indicates U.1. — (U.1. Flash on

After flashing on the display. Blinking Stop display U.1 — (U.1. Light is on), setting is complete. 1. Ensure that the pressure retention is normal and there is no leakage in the system. 2. Calculate the amount of copper pipe per meter and

Unit correction amount. 3. Open the liquid pipe and gas pipe valves.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层