33VM52-000-29 CPU启动QuickStart模式

Auto halt状态使得处理器在空闲时,通过软件发送HLT指令,使CPU关闭空闲的时钟;当计算机进入休眠状态时,CPU启动QuickStart模式,消耗很少的电力,计算机一旦被唤醒,马上转入Normal模式;而在Deep Sleep模式下,CPU部分单元的供电完全被切断,消耗极少的电力。通过在不同模式之间的转换,使CPU在不同的工作状态下能达到的性能/能耗比。

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33VM52-000-29 CPU启动QuickStart模式

Auto halt状态使得处理器在空闲时,通过软件发送HLT指令,使CPU关闭空闲的时钟;当计算机进入休眠状态时,CPU启动QuickStart模式,消耗很少的电力,计算机一旦被唤醒,马上转入Normal模式;而在Deep Sleep模式下,CPU部分单元的供电完全被切断,消耗极少的电力。通过在不同模式之间的转换,使CPU在不同的工作状态下能达到的性能/能耗比。下表为ULV Celeron在不同状态下的功耗:二、Transmate   作为一家专注于低功耗CPU的研发和生产的CPU厂商,对于大家来说可能比较陌生。而其推出的CPU更是很多人都闻所未闻的产品。Transmate的CPU现在有两个系列:强调性能并注重节电性的Efficeon;强调低功耗的Crusoe。工控中主要使用Crusoe系列CPU—TM5800。TM5800是兼容x86的全新架构的微处理器,采用了0.13微米的制作工艺,具有512KB的二级高速缓存,而且工作电压非常低,仅为0.9-1.3V,采用硬件和软件混合的结构,将处理器的很多功能交由软件来处理。既满足满载时对性能的需求,又可控制CPU空载时的能量消耗。下图为Crusoe CPU系统架构:  Transmate处理器的核心架构与传统x86相比是相当简单的。与传统处理器的硬件执行逻辑、运算、移位和浮点指令单元不同,Transmate采用了与众不同的设计理念。它采用代码融合技术来帮助处理器执行x86指令。基于这样的思路,制造Transmate CPU的晶体管数目大大减少,因此具有低功耗和低发热量的特点,代码融合软件还可以通过硬件进一步调节处理器的功耗。同时它采用独有的Longrun节能技术,持续不断地监视CPU的工作,动态地改变CPU的核心电压和运行频率 ,一旦运行的条件改变就立即动态交换这些信息,然后找出合适的工作的频率/电压点来代替刚才的工作频率/电压点,使处理器不会消耗无谓的功率,满足移动设备长时间工作的需要。TM5800 CPU还整合了北桥控制芯片,这样不但可以减少构成完整系统所需的芯片数目,而且可以减少耗电量,最重要的是可以减少最终产品的尺寸和成本。

33VM52-000-29 CPU启动QuickStart模式

The main application areas of PLC

1. Switch quantity logic control

Instead of the traditional relay circuit, it can realize logic control and sequence control, which can be used for the control of a single device, and can also be used for multi-machine group control and automatic pipeline. Such as injection molding machines, printing presses, stapler machines, combined machine tools, grinding machines, packaging production lines, electroplating lines, etc.

2. Industrial process control

In the industrial production process, there are some continuous changes such as temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level and speed (that is, the analog amount), PLC uses the corresponding A/D and D/A conversion modules and a variety of control algorithms to deal with the analog amount, complete closed-loop control. PID regulation is a kind of regulation method used in general closed-loop control system. Process control is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, heat treatment, boiler control and so on.

3. Motion control

PLC can be used to control circular or linear motion. Generally use special motion control modules, such as single-axis or multi-axis position control modules that can drive stepper motors or servo motors, widely used in various machinery, machine tools, robots, elevators and other occasions.

4. Data processing

PLC has mathematical operations (including matrix operations, function operations, logical operations), data transmission, data conversion, sorting, table lookup, bit operation and other functions, can complete the data collection, analysis and processing. Data processing is generally used in some large control systems in the paper, metallurgy, and food industries.

5. Communication and networking

PLC communication includes communication between PLC and communication between PLC and other intelligent devices. With the development of factory automation network, PLC now has a communication interface, communication is very convenient.

◆ Test system overview:
The system mainly tests the functions and performance of various industrial and civil equipment and system components (including controllers, sensors and actuators, etc.), and adopts system simulation technology to realize the simulation and simulation functions of other components related to the components under test in the equipment and system, so as to realize the simulation test of the operating environment of the components under test.
The development of the operating environment simulation system first focuses on the simulation model, and precisely establishes a dynamic case simulation model base for electromechanical components and systems.
This model library has three advantages:
Simulation model classification structure based on case-based reasoning technology: it can dynamically adjust the model database structure to meet the actual system requirements.
· Function of testing the match between simulation model and real system
· System identification tools: accurate models can be extracted from actual experimental results and dynamic model libraries can be reconstructed.
These advantages can effectively solve the problems brought by static model library to simulation experiments. The dynamic simulation model library has dynamic and adaptive capabilities to meet a wider range of needs. The operating environment simulation system is a hardware-in-the-loop test system based on virtual instrument technology, which makes the simulation easier.

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