3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4通道位移监测器 成都阳光熹禾

  1. 型号:BENTLY 3500/40M 140734-01
  2. 类型:4通道位移监测器
  3. 功能:接收本特利位移传感器的输入,对信号进行处理后生成各种振动和位移测量量,并将处理后的信号与用户可编程的报警设置点进行比较。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4通道位移监测器

  1. 高精度测量:能够精确测量机器的振动和位移,提供准确的监测数据。
  2. 实时监控:提供实时的振动数据,使操作人员能够随时了解设备的状况。
  3. 数据记录:记录历史振动数据,以便进行趋势分析和故障诊断。
  4. 警报功能:设置振动阈值,一旦振动超过设定的阈值,系统会触发警报或报警。
  5. 多参数监测:除了振动,还可能监测其他参数,如温度、压力等(具体参数可能因配置而异)。
  6. 易于安装和配置:设计为用户友好型,便于快速安装和配置。
  7. 适应多种环境:适用于不同类型的工业环境,包括恶劣的条件


产品详情参数 :3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4通道位移监测器

  • 通道数:4通道
  • 输入信号:接收本特利位移传感器的输入
  • 处理功能:对信号进行处理后生成各种振动和位移测量量
  • 报警功能:与用户可编程的报警设置点进行比较,并驱动报警系统
  • 组态软件:使用3500框架组态软件对每个通道进行组态,实现多种监测功能(如径向振动、轴向位移、差胀、轴偏心等)
  • 灵敏度:根据监测功能的不同,灵敏度有所不同(如径向振动灵敏度为3.94 mV/μm或7.87 mV/μm)
  • 精度:通频和间隙精度为满量程的±0.33%,最大为±1%

3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY   应用领域:

BENTLY 3500/40M 140734-01广泛应用于各种需要高精度振动和位移监测的工业领域,如石油、化工、电力、冶金等行业。它可以帮助企业实时监测设备的运行状态,预防故障发生,提高生产效率和安全性。BENTLY 3500/40M 140734-01是一款功能强大、性能稳定的位移监测器,具有高精度测量、实时监控、数据记录、警报功能等特点。它广泛应用于各种工业领域,为企业提供了可靠的设备监测解决方案。

Product details: 3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4-channel displacement monitor
High precision measurement: capable of accurately measuring the vibration and displacement of machines, providing accurate monitoring data.
Real time monitoring: provides real-time vibration data, allowing operators to understand the condition of the equipment at any time.
Data recording: Record historical vibration data for trend analysis and fault diagnosis.
Alarm function: Set vibration threshold. Once the vibration exceeds the set threshold, the system will trigger an alarm or alert.
Multi parameter monitoring: In addition to vibration, other parameters such as temperature, pressure, etc. may also be monitored (specific parameters may vary depending on the configuration).
Easy to install and configure: Designed to be user-friendly, easy to install and configure quickly.
Adapt to various environments: Suitable for different types of industrial environments, including harsh conditions
Product details and parameters: 3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4-channel displacement monitor
Number of channels: 4 channels
Input signal: Receive input from Bentley displacement sensor
Processing function: Generate various vibration and displacement measurements after processing the signal
Alarm function: Compare with user programmable alarm setpoints and drive the alarm system
Configuration software: Use 3500 framework configuration software to configure each channel and achieve multiple monitoring functions (such as radial vibration, axial displacement, differential expansion, shaft eccentricity, etc.)
Sensitivity: Depending on the monitoring function, the sensitivity may vary (such as a radial vibration sensitivity of 3.94 mV/μ m or 7.87 mV/μ m)
Accuracy: The direct frequency and gap accuracy is ± 0.33% of the full scale, with a maximum of ± 1%
3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY Application Fields:

BENTLY 3500/40M 140734-01 is widely used in various industrial fields that require high-precision vibration and displacement monitoring, such as petroleum, chemical, power, metallurgy and other industries. It can help enterprises monitor the real-time operation status of equipment, prevent faults, improve production efficiency and safety. BENTLY 3500/40M 140734-01 is a powerful and stable displacement monitor with features such as high-precision measurement, real-time monitoring, data recording, and alarm functions. It is widely used in various industrial fields, providing reliable equipment monitoring solutions for enterprises.

其他型号推荐:3500/40M 140734-01 BENTLY 4通道位移监测器

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层