3500-53-133388-01 热工自动化领域


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3500-53-133388-01 热工自动化领域


3500-53-133388-01 热工自动化领域

In the field of thermal automation, the main plant control system uses DCS almost without exception. PLCS are used in auxiliary workshops. The main reason is that the early DCS system is very expensive, people think that the operation of the auxiliary workshop can be interrupted, the reliability requirements are not very high, and the analog control requirements are less, from the point of view of reducing costs, often choose PLC to build the control system. The boiler, steam engine and generator control system, requiring long-term stable and reliable operation, the signal contains a considerable proportion of analog, from the performance of the system, people have to choose expensive DCS.
In addition, the analysis of the main plant DCS and auxiliary workshop control system market competition, we will find an interesting phenomenon. The competition of DCS in the main factory is often launched between suppliers or agents of different brands, and the competition is fierce, and the price of DCS is constantly lowered. The competition of auxiliary workshop control system is often carried out between the various engineers of the same brand PLC, the threshold is lower, the competition is more intense, but the price reduction of PLC is not as obvious as DCS. The main reason is that DCS manufacturers directly participate in competition, under huge market pressure, and constantly reduce equipment manufacturing costs and engineering implementation costs. PLC manufacturers do not directly participate in the competition, each engineer can only reduce their own limited project costs, limited space. From the current situation, the price gap between DCS and high-grade PLC is not obvious, and the auxiliary workshop still uses PLC more, which is caused by the inertia of the market.
PLC and DCS product market can be described as surging, fierce competition. Throughout the PLC market stars: there are more than 200 companies in the world to produce more than 400 varieties of PLC series, used in power, petroleum and petrochemical, metallurgy, materials, packaging, paper, automotive and municipal industries. From the perspective of the industry, foreign manufacturers are king of the mountain and have their own spheres of influence.
The DCS market is almost the same as PLC, basically dominated by foreign industry strong, fortunately, a number of local manufacturers such as Hollysys, Supcon, Xinhua and other enterprises have gradually developed and grown. Due to the high technical content of DCS, many of the demand for products are based on the project, so the demand for DCS will also be a cyclical longer process, so the DCS market is difficult to change in a short time. Of course, due to the irregular pace of industry development, there may be some changes in companies that focus on different industries.
In the future development of control systems, we will see the gradual integration of DCS and PLC technology, which has a role in promoting their respective development and the development of all walks of life.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层