350045 是一个4通道监视器

是一个4通道监视器, 接授来自接近传感器,旋转位置传感器(RPT), DC线性变 量差动变压器(DC LVDT),交流线性可变差动变压器(交流LVDTs)和旋转电位计。注:要进行的测量类型和相关的传感器输入决定需要输入/输出(/O0)模块。参见表1以及图1和图2。它调节这些输入,并将调节后的信号与用户可编程报警进行比较。3500组态软件可以对每个进行编程3500/45的通道执行以下任何功能:轴向(推力)位置差异膨胀标准单斜坡差异膨胀非标准单斜坡差异膨胀双斜坡差异膨胀互补差异膨胀案例扩展位置注:监控通道成对编程,最多可执行其中两项功能一次。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


350045 是一个4通道监视器

是一个4通道监视器, 接授来自接近传感器,旋转位置传感器(RPT), DC线性变 量差动变压器(DC LVDT),交流线性可变差动变压器(交流LVDTs)和旋转电位计。注:要进行的测量类型和相关的传感器输入决定需要输入/输出(/O0)模块。参见表1以及图1和图2。它调节这些输入,并将调节后的信号与用户可编程报警进行比较。3500组态软件可以对每个进行编程3500/45的通道执行以下任何功能:轴向(推力)位置差异膨胀标准单斜坡差异膨胀非标准单斜坡差异膨胀双斜坡差异膨胀互补差异膨胀案例扩展位置注:监控通道成对编程,最多可执行其中两项功能一次。通道1和2可以执行一种功能,而通道3和4执行另- -种功能(或同)功能。但是,只有通道和3和4可以执行案例扩展。3500/45监视器的主要目的是提供: 1.通过持续比较监控参数来保护机器根据配置的报警设定值驱动报警。2.操作和维护的基本机器信息人事。根据配置,每个通道通常会调节其输入信号转换成称为”比例值”的各种参数。警报设定点可以是为每个主动比例值和危险设定值配置的可以是针对任意两个有效比例值进行配置。


350045 是一个4通道监视器

It is a 4-channel monitor with connections from proximity sensors, rotary position sensors (RPT), DC linear variable differential transformers (DC LVDT), AC linear Variable differential transformers (AC LVDTs) and rotary potentiometers. Note: The type of measurement to be made and related sensor input decisions require an input/output (/O0) module. See Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2. It adjusts these inputs and compares the adjusted signal with a user programmable alarm. The 3500 configuration software can perform any of the following functions on each channel programmed 3500/45: Axial (thrust) position differential inflation Standard single slope Differential inflation Non-standard single slope differential inflation Dual slope Differential inflation Complementary Differential inflation Case Extended Position Note: The monitoring channels are programmed in pairs to perform up to two of these functions at once. Channels 1 and 2 May perform one function, while channels 3 and 4 perform another (or the same) function. However, only channels and 3 and 4 can perform case extensions. The main purpose of the 3500/45 monitor is to provide: 1. Protect the machine by continuously comparing monitoring parameters to drive alarms according to configured alarm Settings. 2. Operation and maintenance of basic machine information personnel. Depending on the configuration, each channel typically adjusts the conversion of its input signal to various parameters called “proportional values”. The alert set point can be configured for each active scale value and the danger set value and it can be configured for any two effective scale values.

It should be noted that for specific transmission modules, their performance, characteristics and usage methods may vary depending on the specific product and application. Therefore, when using transmission modules, it is best to refer to the technical specifications and user manuals of specific products to obtain the most accurate and reliable information.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层