3625 能耐受严酷的工业环境

为了保证在任何时候系统都有的完整性,Tricon 有如下特点提供三重模块几余结构,三个完全相同的分电路各自独立地执行控制程度。而且备有专用的硬 /软件结构,可对输入和输出进行“表”
能够现场安装,可以现场在线地进行模块级的安装和修复工作而不需打乱现场接线。能支持多达 118 个 /0 模块(模拟的和数字的)和选装的通讯块,讯模块以与 Modbus 主站和从站连接,或者和 Foxboro 与Honeywell 分布控制系统(DCS) 、其它在 Peer-to-Peer 网络内 的各 Tricon、以及在 TCP/IP 网络上的外部主机相连接。可以支持位于远离主机架 12 公里 (7.5 英里) 以内的远程I/O 模块

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


3625 能耐受严酷的工业环境

Tricon 系统的特点
为了保证在任何时候系统都有的完整性,Tricon 有如下特点提供三重模块几余结构,三个完全相同的分电路各自独立地执行控制程度。而且备有专用的硬 /软件结构,可对输入和输出进行“表”
能够现场安装,可以现场在线地进行模块级的安装和修复工作而不需打乱现场接线。能支持多达 118 个 /0 模块(模拟的和数字的)和选装的通讯块,讯模块以与 Modbus 主站和从站连接,或者和 Foxboro 与Honeywell 分布控制系统(DCS) 、其它在 Peer-to-Peer 网络内 的各 Tricon、以及在 TCP/IP 网络上的外部主机相连接。可以支持位于远离主机架 12 公里 (7.5 英里) 以内的远程I/O 模块
利用基于 WINDOWS 系统的编程软件完成控制程序的开发及调试在输入和输出模块内备有智能功能,减轻主处理器的工作负荷,每 /0 模块都有三个微处理 器。输入模块的微处理器对输入进行过滤和修复,并诊模块上的硬件故院,输出模块微处理器为 输出数据的表决提供信息、通过输出端的反馈回路电压检查输出状态的有效性、并能诊断现场线路 的问题
可以在 Tricon 正常运行时进行常规维护而不中断控制过程
对I/O 模块提供“热备”支持,可用在某些不能及时提供服务的关键场合.

3625 能耐受严酷的工业环境

Tricon system features
In order to ensure the integrity of the system at all times, Tricon has the following features to provide a triple module structure, with three identical sub-circuits each independently performing the degree of control. There is also a dedicated hardware/software structure for “tabulating” inputs and outputs
Withstand harsh industrial environments.
Can be installed on-site, can be on-site online module level installation and repair work without disrupting the field wiring. Can support up to 118 /0 modules (analog and digital) and optional communication blocks, communication modules to connect to Modbus master and slave stations, Or connect Foxboro to the Honeywell Distributed Control System (DCS), other TRicons in Peer-to-Peer networks, and external hosts on TCP/IP networks. It can support remote I/O modules located up to 12 km (7.5 mi) away from the main frame
Use Windows-based programming software to complete the development and debugging of control programs in the input and output modules with intelligent functions to reduce the workload of the main processor, each /0 module has three microprocessors. The input module’s microprocessor filters and repairs the input, and detects hardware faults on the module. The output module’s microprocessor provides information for voting on the output data, checks the validity of the output status by the feedback loop voltage at the output, and can diagnose problems with the field line
Provides comprehensive online diagnostics with repair capabilities.
Routine maintenance can be performed while Tricon is operating normally without interrupting the control process
Provides “hot spare” support for I/O modules, which can be used in some critical situations where service cannot be provided in a timely manner.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层