490NRP25400 输入信号的采样和对输出状态的刷新

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490NRP25400 输入信号的采样和对输出状态的刷新






490NRP25400 输入信号的采样和对输出状态的刷新

PLC is the use of “sequential scanning, continuous cycle” way to work. That is, when the PLC is running, the CPU is prepared according to the user’s control requirements and exists in the user’s memory program, according to the instruction step number (or address number) for periodic cycle scanning, if there is no jump instruction, the user program is executed successively from the beginning of the instruction until the end of the program. Then a new command is returned to start the next round of scanning. In the process of each scan, it is necessary to complete the sampling of the input signal and refresh the output state.
A PLC scan cycle must be input sampling, program execution and output refresh three stages.
In the input sampling stage, PLC first reads the on-off status or input data of all the input terminals that temporarily exist in the input latch in order by scanning, and writes it into the corresponding input status register, that is, refresh the input. Then close the input port and enter the program execution phase.
PLC in the program execution stage: scan and execute each instruction according to the sequence of user program instructions stored, after the corresponding operation and processing, the result is written into the output status register, and all the contents of the output status register change with the execution of the program.
Output refresh stage: When all instructions are executed, the on-off state of the output status register is sent to the output latches in the output refresh stage, and output by a certain way (relay, transistor or thyristor) to drive the corresponding output device.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层