503-26606-21 第三代微型可编程控制器

● 内置高达64K大容量的RAM存储器
● 内置业界最高水平的高速处理0.065μS/基本指令
● 控制规模:16~384(包括CC-LINK I/O)点
● 内置独立3轴100kHz定位功能(晶体管输出型)
● 基本单元左侧均可以连接功能强大简便易用的适配器
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


503-26606-21 第三代微型可编程控制器

● 内置高达64K大容量的RAM存储器
● 内置业界最高水平的高速处理0.065μS/基本指令
● 控制规模:16~384(包括CC-LINK I/O)点
● 内置独立3轴100kHz定位功能(晶体管输出型)
● 基本单元左侧均可以连接功能强大简便易用的适配器

输入输出的扩展设备可以连接FX2N 系列的输入输出扩展单元/模块。此外,FX0N/FX2N/FX3U系列特殊功能单元/模块最多可以连接8台。(FX0N系列仅可以连接FX0N-3A)
内置了64K步的RAM内存。此外, 可以通过使用存储器盒, 将程序内存变为快闪存储器。
除了浮点数、字符串处理指令以外, 还具备了定坐标指令等丰富的指令。
可以通过内置开关进行RUN/STOP的操作。此外, 也可以从通用的输入端子或外围设备上发出RUN/STOP的指令。
通过计算机用的编程软件, 可以在可编程控制器RUN时更改程序。
内置了时钟功能, 可以执行时间的控制。

503-26606-21 第三代微型可编程控制器

● Third generation micro programmable controller
● Built-in up to 64K large capacity RAM memory
● The industry’s highest level of high-speed processing 0.065μS/ basic instructions
● Control scale :16~384(including CC-LINK I/O) points
● Built-in independent 3-axis 100kHz positioning function (transistor output type)
● The left side of the base unit can be connected to a powerful and easy-to-use adapter
PLC main features
【 Maximum 384 points of input and output points 】
[Expansion units/modules that can be connected]
I/O expansion devices can be connected to the FX2N series of I/O expansion units/modules. In addition, the FX0N/FX2N/FX3U series of special functional units/modules can be connected to up to 8 units. (FX0N series can only connect FX0N-3A)
【 Program memory 】
Built-in 64K steps of RAM. In addition, program memory can be turned into flash memory by using memory cartridges.
【 Operation instruction 】
In addition to floating point and string processing instructions, it also has a wealth of instructions such as fixed coordinate instructions.
【 Built-in RUN/STOP switch 】
RUN/STOP operations can be performed using the built-in switch. In addition, RUN/STOP commands can be issued from generic input terminals or peripheral devices.
【 Support write in RUN 】
Through the programming software used by the computer, the program can be changed when the programmable controller runs.
【 Built-in clock function 】
Built-in clock function, you can perform time control.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层