5233-2089 WOODWARD 通信设备同步控制器 成都阳光熹禾

  • 电源输入:24V DC
  • 输出:4-20mA
  • 防护等级:IP65
  • 工作温度:-20°C~60°C
  • 尺寸:80mm x 80mm x 30mm
  • 重量:200g
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品详细信息:5233-2089 WOODWARD 通信设备同步控制器

  • 强大的通信能力:该控制器可以轻松地与串行设备进行通信,并且支持超过250个通信驱动程序,能够轻松连接到各种机器并访问数据。
  • 灵活的集成性:通过强大的软件支持,该控制器能够与各种显示设备完美集成,实现可视化功能。无论是iPad、安卓平板电脑还是Windows操作系统的平板电脑,都可以与其无缝连接。
  • 多样化的监控方式:支持使用各种设备进行远程监控,如iPad、安卓平板电脑和Windows操作系统的平板电脑等。这使得操作员可以从车间的任何位置对机器进行实时监控。
  • Modbus通信网关支持:Modbus是工业自动化应用中最广泛使用的通信协议之一,而WOODWARD 5233-2089通信设备同步控制器支持Modbus通信网关,这使得工厂的SCADA系统能够轻松地与串行设备通信。
  • 丰富的功能:除了基本的通信功能外,该控制器还具备协议转换、数据记录、事件记录、配方、数据库维护、宏命令执行等多种功能,能够满足各种工业自动化应用的需求。

WOODWARD 5233-2089通信设备同步控制器是一款功能全面、易于集成、灵活多样的产品,能够满足各种工业自动化和远程监控应用的需求。


产品详细参数:5233-2089 WOODWARD 通信设备同步控制器

  • 电源输入:24V DC
  • 输出:4-20mA
  • 防护等级:IP65
  • 工作温度:-20°C~60°C
  • 尺寸:80mm x 80mm x 30mm
  • 重量:200g
  • 材料:铝合金
  • 颜色:银色

5233-2089 WOODWARD 应用领域:

  • 电力系统控制与同步:用于电网中,确保发电机、变压器和其他设备的同步运行,从而维持系统的稳定性和效率。
  • 工业自动化:在工厂或生产设施中,用于同步控制各种机器和设备,以确保它们在生产过程中的协调运行。
  • 交通与运输:在交通信号控制、铁路信号系统或其他需要协调多个运输设备的领域,确保各个组件之间的同步。
  • 通信网络:在通信领域,用于确保网络设备之间的同步通信,以提供稳定的网络连接和数据传输。
  • 航空航天:在航空航天领域,用于控制航空器上的各种设备,确保它们在飞行过程中的同步运行。

Product details: 5233-2089 WOODWARD communication device synchronization controller
Powerful communication capability: This controller can easily communicate with serial devices and supports over 250 communication drivers, making it easy to connect to various machines and access data.
Flexible integration: With powerful software support, this controller can seamlessly integrate with various display devices and achieve visualization functions. Whether it’s an iPad, Android tablet, or a Windows operating system tablet, it can seamlessly connect to it.
Diversified monitoring methods: Support the use of various devices for remote monitoring, such as iPads, Android tablets, and Windows operating system tablets. This allows operators to monitor machines in real-time from any location in the workshop.
Modbus communication gateway support: Modbus is one of the most widely used communication protocols in industrial automation applications, and the WOODWARD 5233-2089 communication device synchronization controller supports Modbus communication gateway, which makes it easy for the factory’s SCADA system to communicate with serial devices.
Rich functions: In addition to basic communication functions, this controller also has various functions such as protocol conversion, data recording, event recording, formulation, database maintenance, macro command execution, etc., which can meet the needs of various industrial automation applications.

WOODWARD 5233-2089 Communication Equipment Synchronous Controller is a comprehensive, easy to integrate, and flexible product that can meet the needs of various industrial automation and remote monitoring applications.

Product detailed parameters: 5233-2089 WOODWARD communication equipment synchronization controller
Power input: 24V DC
Output: 4-20mA
Protection level: IP65
Working temperature: -20 ° C~60 ° C
Size: 80mm x 80mm x 30mm
Weight: 200g
Material: Aluminum alloy
Color: Silver

5233-2089 WOODWARD application areas:
Power system control and synchronization: used in the power grid to ensure the synchronous operation of generators, transformers, and other equipment, thereby maintaining the stability and efficiency of the system.
Industrial automation: Used in factories or production facilities to synchronously control various machines and equipment to ensure their coordinated operation during the production process.
Transportation: Ensure synchronization between various components in areas such as traffic signal control, railway signal systems, or other areas that require coordination of multiple transportation equipment.
Communication network: In the field of communication, it is used to ensure synchronous communication between network devices to provide stable network connections and data transmission.
Aerospace: In the field of aerospace, it is used to control various equipment on aircraft and ensure their synchronous operation during flight.

其他型号推荐:5233-2089 WOODWARD 通信设备同步控制器

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ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT MODULE
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ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon controlled
ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 silicon controlled
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层