5466-316 WOODWARD HDCombo模块 微网TMR系统

MicroNet 5466-253和5466-316 HDCombo模块于1997年首次推出,于蒸汽控制市场。该模块包括8个模拟输入,4个模拟输入输出,四个速度输入,和两个比例执行器输出。-253版本 具有TMR和5009系统控制阀与比例执行器的I/O的理想组合。

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5466-316 WOODWARD HDCombo模块 微网TMR系统

技术说明: 5466-31 6 WOODWARD HDCombo模块微网TMR系统
MicroNet 5466-253和5466-316 HDCombo模块于1997年首次推出,于蒸汽控制市场。该模块包括8个模拟输入,4个模拟输入输出,四个速度输入,和两个比例执行器输出。-253版本 具有TMR和5009系统控制阀与比例执行器的I/O的理想组合。
Woodward最新的速度/模拟组合模块(5466-1115)缺乏老式HDCombo模块的板载比例执行器功能,需要增加单独的双通道致动器模块。这消耗了主TMR机箱中宝贵的I/O空间。自2016年以来, Woodward- -直提供HDCombo模块,主要用于备件和系统升级,并推动蒸汽和压缩机客户使用5466-1115以及补充的2CH执行器控制模块。伍德沃德的5009标准汽轮机控制也改为利用较新的组合模块。
从2020年底开始,标准的5009XT汽轮机控制将改为使用5466-253 HDCombo模块代替5466-1115 Combo模块。自定义编程微网TMR系统可以使用任何一种配置。伍德沃德建议使用5466-253对TMR系统, 如果涡轮机使用比例致动器,并使用5466-1115, 如果涡轮机使
用集成致动器或单独的伺服控制器,如SPC。 5466-316可用于 需要该模块提供的特定/O和FTM的改造系统。

5466-316 WOODWARD HDCombo模块 微网TMR系统

Technical description: 5466-31 6 WOODWARD HDCombo module microgrid TMR system
The MicroNet 5466-253 and 5466-316 HDCombo modules were first introduced in 1997 for the steam control market. The module includes 8 analog inputs and 4 analog inputs
Outputs, four speed inputs, and two proportional actuator outputs. The -253 version has the ideal combination of TMR and 5009 system control valves with proportional actuator I/O.
Woodward’s latest speed/analog combination module (5466-1115) lacks the on-board proportional actuator feature of the older HDCombo module, requiring the addition of a separate dual channel
Actuator module. This eats up valuable I/O space in the main TMR chassis. Since 2016, Woodward has been offering HDCombo modules, mainly for spare parts and system upgrades, and to push steam
Steam and compressor customers use the 5466-1115 as well as the complementary 2CH actuator control module. Woodward’s 5009 standard turbine control was also changed to utilize a newer combination module.
From the end of 2020, the standard 5009XT turbine control will be replaced by 5466-253 HDCombo modules instead of 5466-1115 Combo modules. Custom programming
Microgrid TMR systems can be used in either configuration. Woodward recommends using 5466-253 on the TMR system if the turbine uses proportional actuators, and using 5466-1115 if the turbine makes
With integrated actuators or separate servo controllers, such as SPC. The 5466-316 can be used in retrofit systems that require the specific /O and FTM provided by this module.
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层