5SHX0660F0002 plc的选择主要应从机型、容量、i/o模块、电源模块、特殊功能模块、通信联网能力等方面加以综合考虑




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5SHX0660F0002 plc的选择主要应从机型、容量、i/o模块、电源模块、特殊功能模块、通信联网能力等方面加以综合考虑









5SHX0660F0002 plc的选择主要应从机型、容量、i/o模块、电源模块、特殊功能模块、通信联网能力等方面加以综合考虑

The selection of plc should be mainly considered from the model, capacity, i/o module, power module, special function module, communication networking capability and other aspects. plc capacity includes i/o points and user storage capacity two aspects.

(A)i/o points selection

The average price of plc i/o points is still relatively high, so the number of plc i/o points should be reasonably selected, and strive to use less i/o points under the premise of meeting the control requirements, but must leave a certain margin.

Usually i/o points are determined according to the actual needs of the input and output signals of the controlled object, plus a margin of 10% to 20%.

(2) The user’s choice of storage capacity

The storage capacity required by the user program is not only related to the function of the plc system, but also related to the method of function realization and the level of program writing. An experienced programmer and a beginner can vary as much as 25 percent in the amount of programs they use to perform the same complex function, so beginners should leave a margin for storage capacity estimates.

The number of plc i/o points reflects the functional requirements of the plc system to a large extent, so it can be determined on the basis of i/o points, and then add 20% to 30% margin after estimating storage capacity according to the following formula. Storage capacity (bytes)= Number of i/o points x 10+ Number of analog i/o channels x 100

In addition, when the storage capacity is selected, pay attention to the selection of the type of storage.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层