5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 ABB 单向可控硅

IGCT集成门极换流晶闸管(Intergrated Gate Commutated Thyristors)是一种中压变频器开发的用于巨型电力电子成套装置中的新型电力半导体开关器件(集成门极换流晶闸管=门极换流晶闸管+门极单元)。1997年由ABB公司提出。IGCT使变流装置在功率、可靠性、开关速度、效率、成本、重量和体积等方面都取得了巨大进展,给电力电子成套装置带来了新的飞跃。IGCT是将GTO芯片与反并联二极管和门极驱动电路集成在一起,再与其门极驱动器在外围以低电感方式连接,结合了晶体管的稳定关断能力和晶闸管低通态损耗的优点,在导通阶段发挥晶闸管的性能,关断阶段呈现晶体管的特性。IGCT具有电流大、阻断电压高、开关频率高、可靠性高、结构紧凑、低导通损耗等特点,而且造成本低,成品率高,有很好的应用前景。 已用于电力系统电网装置(100MVA)和的中功率工业驱动装置(5MW)IGCT在中压变频器领域内成功的应用了11年的时间(到09年为止),由于IGCT的高速开关能力无需缓冲电路,因而所需的功率元件数目更少,运行的可靠性大大增高。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层



5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101

Unidirectional thyristor is a controllable rectifier electronic component that can change from off to on under the action of external control signals. However, once on, the external signal cannot turn it off and can only be turned off by removing the load or reducing the voltage at both ends. Unidirectional thyristor is a four layer three terminal semiconductor device composed of three PN junctions PNPN. Compared with diodes with one PN junction, the forward conduction of unidirectional thyristor is controlled by the control pole current; Compared with a transistor with two PN junctions, the difference is that the thyristor has no amplification effect on the control electrode current. Bidirectional thyristor has the characteristic of conducting and turning off alternately in two directions. Bidirectional thyristors are essentially two anti parallel unidirectional thyristors, which are semiconductor devices composed of four PN structures formed by NPNPN five layer semiconductors and have three electrodes. Due to the symmetrical structure of the main electrode (all led out from the N layer), its electrodes are not referred to as anodes and cathodes respectively like unidirectional thyristors. Instead, the electrode that is similar to the control electrode is called the first electrode A1, and the other is called the second electrode A2. The main drawback of bidirectional thyristor is its low ability to withstand voltage rise rate. This is because when the bidirectional thyristor completes conduction in one direction, the charge carriers in each layer of the silicon wafer have not yet returned to the cut-off state, and corresponding protective measures must be taken. Bidirectional thyristor components are mainly used in AC control circuits, such as temperature control, lighting control, explosion-proof AC switches, and DC motor speed regulation and commutation circuits. The thyristor is always in an open state above the maintenance current, with high turning off current, difficult control, and slow turning off speed. In the inverter stage, SCR has excellent performance in LCI (Load Commutated Inverter), which can achieve ultra high power, high voltage, and high current. Diode (uncontrollable rectifier) and SCR (semi controllable) rectifiers do not require PMW to meet the operation of two quadrant inverters, while PWM requires devices such as IGBT (fully controlled).


ABB PU412 3BSE056479R1 RTA板通讯盒MB300

ABB PU519 3BSE01 8681R1 RTA板.

ABB PU518 3BSE018680R1 RTA板

PU517 ABB PCB板卡3BSC980050R46

ABB PU516A 3BSE032402R1电路板模块PU516

PU516 3BSE013064R1 ABB模块

ABB PU514A 3BSE013062R1板卡PU514

ABB PU513v2 PC板卡3BSE013034R1 PU513v2

ABB PU512V1 RTA板卡3BSE004736R1 C2750-66601

ABB PU512v2 3BUR001401R1 电路板PU512v1

ABB PU515A 3BSE032401R1电路板PC板

ABB PPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101 PC板PPC905

ABB PPC902AE101 3BHE010751R0101电路板模块

ABB PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102模块

ABB PPC380AE01 HIEE300885R1电路板模块

PPC322BE ABB HIEE300900R0001 PP C322 BE1处理单元模块

ABB PPC902CE101 3BHE028959R0101电路板模块

ABB PROCESS PANEL 245 PP245 3BSC690103R1过程面板显示屏

ABB PROCESS PANEL 245 PP245 3BSC690103R1过程面板显示屏

PP877 K 3BSE069272R2 ABB触摸屏控制面板PP877K

ABB PP865 3BSE042236R1控制面板触摸屏显示屏

ABB PP865A 3BSE042236R2控制面板触摸屏显示屏

ABB PP846A 3BSE042238R1触摸屏操作面板

PP836A ABB Panel 800 3BSE042237R2控制面板触摸屏

ABB Panel 800 PP835A 3BSE042234R2控制面板显示屏

ABB PP826A 3BSE042244R2控制面板操作屏幕显示屏Panel 800

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层