IGCT has made significant progress in power, reliability, switching speed, efficiency, cost, weight, and volume of converter devices, bringing a new leap to power electronic complete sets of devices. IGCT integrates GTO chips with anti parallel diodes and gate drive circuits, and then connects them with their gate drivers in a low inductance manner on the periphery. It combines the stable turn-off ability of transistors and the advantages of low on state losses of thyristors, exerting the performance of thyristors during the conduction phase, and presenting transistor characteristics during the turn-off phase. IGCT has the characteristics of high current, high voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability, compact structure, low losses, and low manufacturing cost, high yield, and has good application prospects. GTO using thyristor technology is a commonly used high-power switching device, which has higher performance in cutoff voltage compared to IGBT using transistor technology. However, the widely used standard GTO driving technology causes uneven turn-on and turn-off processes, requiring high cost dv/dt and di/dt absorption circuits and high-power gate driving units, resulting in reduced reliability, high price, and unfavorable series connection. However, before the high-power MCT technology was mature, IGCT had become the preferred solution for high-voltage high-power low-frequency AC converters.
ABB PU412 3BSE056479R1 RTA板通讯盒MB300
ABB PU519 3BSE01 8681R1 RTA板.
ABB PU518 3BSE018680R1 RTA板
PU517 ABB PCB板卡3BSC980050R46
ABB PU516A 3BSE032402R1电路板模块PU516
PU516 3BSE013064R1 ABB模块
ABB PU514A 3BSE013062R1板卡PU514
ABB PU513v2 PC板卡3BSE013034R1 PU513v2
ABB PU512V1 RTA板卡3BSE004736R1 C2750-66601
ABB PU512v2 3BUR001401R1 电路板PU512v1
ABB PU515A 3BSE032401R1电路板PC板
ABB PPC905AE101 3BHE014070R0101 PC板PPC905
ABB PPC902AE101 3BHE010751R0101电路板模块
ABB PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102模块
ABB PPC380AE01 HIEE300885R1电路板模块
PPC322BE ABB HIEE300900R0001 PP C322 BE1处理单元模块
ABB PPC902CE101 3BHE028959R0101电路板模块
ABB PROCESS PANEL 245 PP245 3BSC690103R1过程面板显示屏
ABB PROCESS PANEL 245 PP245 3BSC690103R1过程面板显示屏
PP877 K 3BSE069272R2 ABB触摸屏控制面板PP877K
ABB PP865 3BSE042236R1控制面板触摸屏显示屏
ABB PP865A 3BSE042236R2控制面板触摸屏显示屏
ABB PP846A 3BSE042238R1触摸屏操作面板
PP836A ABB Panel 800 3BSE042237R2控制面板触摸屏
ABB Panel 800 PP835A 3BSE042234R2控制面板显示屏
ABB PP826A 3BSE042244R2控制面板操作屏幕显示屏Panel 800
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