5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 ABB 绝缘门极双极性晶体管

绝缘栅双极晶体管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,简称IGBT),是由BJT(双极型三极管)和MOS(绝缘栅型场效应管)组成的复合全控型电压驱动式电力电子器件, 兼有MOSFET的高输入阻抗和GTR的低导通压降两方面的优点。驱动功率小而饱和压降低。二极管加在集电极和发射极之间,主要用于续流,同时由于负载存在感性,IGBT关断瞬间会在IGBT两端产生极高的自感反相电压,此电压可能击穿IGBT。并联的二极管将这个“自感反相电压”短路掉了,起到保护IGBT的作用。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层





IGBT通断频率要高,但dv/dt就是通断速度要低,有一定矛盾,只有速度足够快,频率才能足够高。加吸收电路或者IGBT采取软关断,吸收电路是把有可能产生的10kv/us吸收,软关断是指降低开关的关断速度,人为造成关断拖尾,好处是减小dv/dt,坏处是加大了IGBT损耗,所以要细致调整关断时间。IGBT驱动电路关断IGBT时在GE处施加负电压(开通施加正电压),在微型电容处串微型电阻,这样GE电压下降就会变慢, 从而减小dv/dt。


IGCT integrates the high-speed switching characteristics of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) and the high blocking voltage and low conduction loss characteristics of GTO (Gate Off Thyristor). Generally, the trigger signal is transmitted to the IGCT unit through optical fiber. In the phase module of the edge rectifier unit of ACS6000, each phase module is composed of IGCT, freewheeling diode, clamp capacitor, and damping resistor, and is powered by an independent gate power supply unit GUSP.
IGBT modules only encapsulate power devices as modules. IGBT module products can generally be single transistor, double transistor (half bridge), or 6-transistor (full bridge), and there are also three-level 12 transistors packaged as one module. Due to being encapsulated as a module and electrically insulated, the installation process is simple; IGCT does not have this advantage, making the design, installation, and maintenance of the system complex. The contradiction between insulation and heat dissipation leads to more system problems.
IGBT low-power drives can be made together, while high-power drives require separate drive boards. DSP is the control core, as well as external IO, internal signal acquisition, processing, driver signal buffering, driver signal isolation, amplification, in order to reach the GE pole of IGBT. Fiber optic isolation transmission drive signal.
The on/off frequency of IGBT should be high, but dv/dt means the on/off speed should be low, which has a certain contradiction. Only when the speed is fast enough can the frequency be high enough. Adding an absorption circuit or IGBT adopts soft shutdown. The absorption circuit absorbs the potential 10kv/us that may be generated. Soft shutdown refers to reducing the closing speed of the switch, causing manual shutdown delay. The advantage is to reduce dv/dt, while the disadvantage is to increase IGBT loss, so the shutdown time needs to be carefully adjusted. When the IGBT driver circuit turns off the IGBT, a negative voltage is applied at the GE (positive voltage is applied when turned on), and a micro resistor is connected at the micro capacitor. This slows down the voltage drop of the GE and reduces dv/dt.


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层