5SHY4045L0003 3BHB021400 ABB IGBT模块

IGCT在整流环节中与SCR一脉相承,SCR是Silicon Controlled Rectifier的缩写,是可控硅整流器的简称。可控硅有单向、双向、可关断和光控几种类型。它具有体积小、重量轻、效率高、寿命长、控制方便等优点,被广泛用于可控整流、调压、逆变以及无触点开关等各种自动控制和大功率的电能转换的场合。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IGBT通断频率要高,但dv/dt就是通断速度要低,有一定矛盾,只有速度足够快,频率才能足够高。加吸收电路或者IGBT采取软关断,吸收电路是把有可能产生的10kv/us吸收,软关断是指降低开关的关断速度,人为造成关断拖尾,好处是减小dv/dt,坏处是加大了IGBT损耗,所以要细致调整关断时间。IGBT驱动电路关断IGBT时在GE处施加负电压(开通施加正电压),在微型电容处串微型电阻,这样GE电压下降就会变慢, 从而减小dv/dt。

常见IGBT参数:6500V/最大750A; 4500V/ 1200A; 3300V/ 1500A; 1700V/3600A; 1200V/ 3600A。700V和2500V很少应用。低于600V的很多,这里不做讨论。380V以上的,IGBT电压要在1200V以上。虽然有6600和6000V电机,但6500V的IGBT并不适合,6500V的价格高昂,一个两万左右,而且两电平输出电压3300V,最大只有750A的管子,输出的dv/dt太大,三电平输出电压4160V,4160在国内应用很少。而采用五电平用4500V的管子就能输出6600V了,所以6500的管也用不上。

5SHY4045L0003 3BHB021400 3BHE019719R0101 GVC736BE101

The on/off frequency of IGBT should be high, but dv/dt means the on/off speed should be low, which has a certain contradiction. Only when the speed is fast enough can the frequency be high enough. Adding an absorption circuit or IGBT adopts soft shutdown. The absorption circuit absorbs the potential 10kv/us that may be generated. Soft shutdown refers to reducing the closing speed of the switch, causing manual shutdown delay. The advantage is to reduce dv/dt, while the disadvantage is to increase IGBT loss, so the shutdown time needs to be carefully adjusted. When the IGBT driver circuit turns off the IGBT, a negative voltage is applied at the GE (positive voltage is applied when turned on), and a micro resistor is connected at the micro capacitor. This slows down the voltage drop of the GE and reduces dv/dt.
Common IGBT parameters: 6500V/maximum 750A; 4500V/1200A; 3300V/1500A; 1700V/3600A; 1200V/3600A. 700V and 2500V are rarely used. There are many below 600V, which will not be discussed here. Above 380V, the IGBT voltage should be above 1200V. Although there are 6600 and 6000V motors, 6500V IGBT is not suitable. The price of 6500V is high, around 20000 yuan per unit, and the two-level output voltage is 3300V, with a maximum of only 750A tubes. The output dv/dt is too large, and the three-level output voltage is 4160V. 4160 is rarely used in China. And using a five level 4500V transistor can output 6600V, so a 6500V transistor is also not needed.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层