5SHY35L4512 ABB IGCT模块

ABB系列IGCT模块5SHY35L4510 5SHY35L4512 5SHY40L45115SHY42L6500 5SHY55L4500高压变频具有低导通损耗效率高作用


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IGCT模块5SHY35L4510 5SHY35L4512 5SHY40L45115SHY42L6500 5SHY55L4500近年来,在新能源输送和大规模储能的驱动下,直流电网在世界各国的发展势不可挡。高压大容量功率半导体器件作为MMC、直流断路器、直流变压器、直流耗能装置等直流主干网络关键装备的核心元件,是学术研究的前沿话题,也是产业应用的关注热点。IGBT具有驱动功率小而且驱动电路简单、开关速度快、耐压高、电流大等优点,在柔性直流电网中得到了广泛的应用。而事实上,尽管IGBT优势突出,但是相比电流型器件,仍然存在通态压降大、可靠性低、制造成本高等问题,具有很多改进的空间。尤其是在高压大容量应用中,所使用的开关器件数量非常大,若能改进这些特性,进一步提高效率和可靠性、减小成本,将会具有很大的吸引力和应用前景。而相比IGBT,IGCT具有更低的通态压降、更高的可靠性以及更低的制造成本,并且结构紧凑、具有更高的阻断电压和通流的能力,有望改进IGBT在高压大容量应用中的表现和性能。事实上,相比于交流电网应用,在柔性直流电网中,MMC、直流变压器以及直流断路器等关键设备均具有很多新的特点,例如MMC的开关频率非常低、直流变压器具有软开关能力、直流断路器仅需单次操作等。这些特点一定程度上将弱化IGCT开关速度慢等技术弱点,为IGCT在柔性直流电网中的应用带来了巨大的契机。


IGCT module 5SHY35L4510 5SHY35L4512 5SHY40L45115SHY42L6500 5SHY55L4500 In recent years, driven by new energy transmission and large-scale energy storage, the development of DC power grids in various countries around the world is unstoppable. High voltage and high capacity power semiconductor devices, as core components of key equipment in DC backbone networks such as MMC, DC circuit breakers, DC transformers, and DC energy consumption devices, are cutting-edge topics in academic research and a hot topic in industrial applications. IGBT has the advantages of low driving power, simple driving circuit, fast switching speed, high withstand voltage, and high current, and is widely used in flexible DC power grids. In fact, despite the prominent advantages of IGBT, there are still problems such as high on state voltage drop, low reliability, and high manufacturing cost compared to current type devices, and there is much room for improvement. Especially in high-voltage and high-capacity applications, the number of switching devices used is very large. If these characteristics can be improved, further improving efficiency and reliability, and reducing costs, it will have great appeal and application prospects. Compared to IGBT, IGCT has lower on state voltage drop, higher reliability, and lower manufacturing cost, and has a compact structure with higher ability to block voltage and flow, which is expected to improve the performance and performance of IGBT in high-voltage and high-capacity applications. In fact, compared to AC power grid applications, in flexible DC power grids, key equipment such as MMC, DC transformers, and DC circuit breakers all have many new characteristics, such as the very low switching frequency of MMC, the soft switching ability of DC transformers, and the single operation of DC circuit breakers. These characteristics will to some extent weaken the technical weaknesses such as slow switching speed of IGCT, providing a huge opportunity for the application of IGCT in flexible DC power grids.

ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020、ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181

5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、pm511v16、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020 ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181,5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020ABB IGCT模块5SHY4045L0004/5SHY6545L0001 AC10272001R0101 5SXE10-0181、5SHY35L4520、5SHY5045L0020

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层