5X00226G02 EMERSON I/O接口控制器模块 成都阳光熹禾

  • 品牌:EMERSON(艾默生)
  • 型号:5X00226G02
  • 类型:I/O接口控制器模块(或输入输出模块)
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:5X00226G02 EMERSON I/O接口控制器模块

  1. 多功能输入/输出接口
    • 支持多功能的输入和输出接口模块,能够连接多种外部设备和系统。
    • 主要功能包括作为系统的“眼、耳、手、脚”,负责连接外部现场设备和CPU模块,实现信号的输入和输出。
  2. 兼容性
    • 与艾默生设备兼容,能够方便地集成到现有的工业自动化系统中。
    • 与多种工业设备和系统具有良好的兼容性,如与WESTINGHOUSE(西屋电气)的PLC系统兼容。
  3. 信号处理能力
    • 开关量输入:接收从按钮、选择开关、数字拨码开关、限位开关、接近开关、光电开关、压力继电器等来的开关量输入信号。
    • 模拟量输入:接收电位器、测速发电机和各种变送器提供的连续变化的模拟量电流、电压信号,或者直接接收热电阻、热电偶提供的温度信号。
    • 开关量输出:控制接触器、电磁阀、电磁铁、指示灯、数字显示装置和报警装置等输出设备。
    • 模拟量输出:控制电动调节阀、变频器等执行器。
  4. 物理特性
    • 接口:提供多种接口选项,如USB等,以满足不同的连接需求。
    • 工作温度范围广泛,适应各种工业环境。
  5. 通信协议
    • 支持以太网、Modbus、TCP/IP、RS-485等通信协议,方便与其他设备进行通信和数据交换。


产品详情参数 :5X00226G02 EMERSON I/O接口控制器模块

  • 品牌:EMERSON(艾默生)
  • 型号:5X00226G02
  • 类型:I/O接口控制器模块(或输入输出模块)

5X00226G02 EMERSON  应用领域:


Product details: 5X00226G02 EMERSON I/O interface controller module
Multi functional input/output interface:
Supports multifunctional input and output interface modules that can connect multiple external devices and systems.
The main functions include serving as the “eyes, ears, hands, and feet” of the system, responsible for connecting external field devices and CPU modules to achieve signal input and output.
Compatible with Emerson equipment, it can be easily integrated into existing industrial automation systems.
It has good compatibility with various industrial equipment and systems, such as the PLC system of Westinghouse.
Signal processing capability:
Switching input: Receive switching input signals from buttons, selection switches, digital dial switches, limit switches, proximity switches, photoelectric switches, pressure relays, etc.
Analog input: Receive continuously changing analog current and voltage signals provided by potentiometers, tachometers, and various transmitters, or directly receive temperature signals provided by thermal resistors and thermocouples.
Switching output: Control output devices such as contactors, solenoid valves, electromagnets, indicator lights, digital display devices, and alarm devices.
Analog output: controls electric control valves, frequency converters, and other actuators.
Physical properties:

Interface: Provides multiple interface options, such as USB, to meet different connection needs.
The working temperature range is wide and suitable for various industrial environments.
Communication protocol:
Supports communication protocols such as Ethernet, Modbus, TCP/IP, RS-485, etc., facilitating communication and data exchange with other devices.
Product details and parameters: 5X00226G02 EMERSON I/O interface controller module
Model: 5X00226G02
Type: I/O interface controller module (or input/output module)

5X00226G02 EMERSON application areas:

Widely used in industrial automation and control systems, such as industrial process control and monitoring, water/wastewater treatment control, emission monitoring, economic dispatch, and ship management.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层