8LSA46.R0045D000-0 贝加莱推出新的X90控制系统安全继电器模块


具有安全、浮动输出的移动控制器以前在市场上并没有。通过贝加莱新的安全继电器模块,驱动器或激光扫描仪等外部安全组件现在可以通过浮地急停电路连接到X90控制器。安全等级可以达到PLe / SIL3。该选项板特别适用于自主式农业及工程机械。

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8LSA46.R0045D000-0 贝加莱推出新的X90控制系统安全继电器模块



具有安全、浮动输出的移动控制器以前在市场上并没有。通过贝加莱新的安全继电器模块,驱动器或激光扫描仪等外部安全组件现在可以通过浮地急停电路连接到X90控制器。安全等级可以达到PLe / SIL3。该选项板特别适用于自主式农业及工程机械。




贝加莱为ACOPOS P3伺服驱动器配备了安全扭矩测定。这使它可以使用众多安全功能,而以前使用这些功能则需要拥有一个外部传感器。从而降低了机械指令合规成本。

安全扭矩测定是基于内部电流测定,可启用安全限制扭矩(SLT)、安全速度观测(SSO)和安全抱闸测试(SBT)。这些功能适用于满足SIL 2 / PL d / Cat. 3的应用。







8LSA46.R0045D000-0 贝加莱推出新的X90控制系统安全继电器模块

B&r introduces new X90 control system safety relay module

Mobile machines are becoming more and more autonomous. They require controllers that are both compact and secure. B&r has extended its X90 control system with a palette that allows floating connections to external security devices, making mobile machines more secure.

Mobile controllers with secure, floating outputs were not available on the market before. With B&R’s new safety relay module, external safety components such as drivers or laser scanners can now be connected to the X90 controller via a floating emergency circuit. The security level can reach PLe/SIL3. This option board is especially suitable for autonomous agricultural and construction machinery.

Modularity sets it apart

With its powerful, scalable X90 controller, B&R offers design freedom that is unique in the market. A wide selection of options opens up new possibilities for implementing customer-specific automation solutions. In addition, the controller features a rugged IP69K housing. Because it does not require control cabinets or complex wiring, easy maintenance is guaranteed.

B&r servo drives with integrated torque measurement reduce costs

B&r has equipped the ACOPOS P3 servo drive with safe torque measurement. This gives it access to numerous security features that previously required having an external sensor. This reduces the cost of mechanical directive compliance.

The safety torque measurement is based on internal current measurement and enables Safety Limiting torque (SLT), Safety Speed observation (SSO) and Safety Lock Test (SBT). These features are suitable for applications that satisfy SIL 2 / PLd/Cat.3.

Safety against overload

For example, the SLT function can be used to reliably limit the torque applied to the drivetrain. This can avoid and safely prevent the occurrence of mechanical overload. In addition, the use of SLT allows mechanical design to become more cost-effective. SLT also minimizes the operator’s risk of injury from crushing or rolling while operating the machine.

Ensure safe operation

The SSO function is a virtual speed sensor that allows SLS security features to be used without the need for a security encoder. This is especially useful when using linear or torque motors, as these types of motors often do not have integrated safety encoders.

Reliable lock test

The SBT function can be used to safely monitor and evaluate the performance of the lock. The data it collects can provide insight into the condition of the lock and any damage or wear

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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层