ABB REG216 双通道轴承振动监视器可以及时发出预警或跳闸信号



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ABB REG216 双通道轴承振动监视器可以及时发出预警或跳闸信号

ABB REG216 双通道轴承振动监视器可以用于保护发电机和变压器,其主要作用如下:






总之,ABB REG216 双通道轴承振动监视器在保护发电机和变压器方面具有重要的作用。它可以实时监测设备的运行状态,预警和保护设备的正常运行,故障诊断和排除,实现预防性维护,提高设备的可靠性和安全性。

ABB REG216 双通道轴承振动监视器可以及时发出预警或跳闸信号

ABB REG216 dual channel bearing vibration monitor can be used to protect generators and transformers, its main role is as follows:

Monitoring the bearing vibration of the generator and transformer: the dual-channel bearing vibration monitor can monitor the vibration signal of the generator and transformer bearings in real time, and judge the operating status and health status of the generator and transformer by analyzing the characteristics of the vibration signal.

Warning and protection: Once an abnormal vibration signal is found, the dual-channel bearing vibration monitor can issue an early warning or tripping signal in time to protect the generator and transformer from further damage. This protection method can avoid equipment damage and sudden shutdown, reduce production losses.

Fault diagnosis and elimination: The dual-channel bearing vibration monitor can record and analyze the bearing vibration signal to provide the basis for fault diagnosis and elimination. By analyzing the monitoring results, maintenance personnel can quickly locate the fault cause and take appropriate measures to improve maintenance efficiency and device reliability.

Preventive maintenance: Through real-time monitoring of generator and transformer bearings, the dual-channel bearing vibration monitor can help users achieve preventive maintenance and reasonable maintenance and overhaul schedules. This can extend the service life of generators and transformers and reduce maintenance costs.

Remote monitoring and management: Some advanced dual-channel bearing vibration monitors also support remote monitoring and management functions, which can transfer data to a remote server for analysis and processing via the Internet or wireless network. This allows users to know the operating status of generators and transformers at any time, remote management and maintenance, and improve management efficiency.

In short, the ABB REG216 two-channel bearing vibration monitor plays an important role in protecting generators and transformers. It can monitor the operating status of the equipment in real time, warn and protect the normal operation of the equipment, diagnose and eliminate the fault, achieve preventive maintenance, and improve the reliability and safety of the equipment.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层