AO2000 LS25 ABB 气体分析仪 成都阳光熹禾

  1. 保护功能
    • 具有过载电流保护和短路保护功能,保证了设备的安全可靠性。
    • 强大的防电磁干扰能力,符合GB/T 18268.1-2012标准。
  2. 兼容性和扩展性
    • 该设备具有强大的兼容性,可以与多种控制系统和自动化平台兼容。
    • 作为一个模拟量输出模块,支持4-20 mA DC输出信号,适用于各种工业自动化领域。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品详细信息:AO2000 LS25 ABB 气体分析仪

  • 高精度:设备具有高精度测量能力,线性度误差≤0.2%,稳定度误差≤0.1% F.S./24h,确保了测量结果的准确性。
  • 宽测量范围:可以测量多种气体,包括但不限于二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化碳等,并且能够测量从低浓度到高浓度的气体。
  • 自动校准功能:具备自动校准功能,减少了人为操作的误差,确保了长期使用的准确性。
  • 易于操作和维护:具有友好的用户界面,易于安装和使用,降低了维护成本。

AO2000 LS25 ABB是一款高精度、宽测量范围、易于操作和维护的气体分析仪,具有广泛的应用领域和强大的兼容性,是工业自动化和环境监测等领域的理想选择。

AO2000 LS25

产品详细参数:AO2000 LS25 ABB 气体分析仪

  • 高精度:设备具有高精度测量能力,线性度误差≤0.2%,稳定度误差≤0.1% F.S./24h,确保了测量结果的准确性。
  • 宽测量范围:可以测量多种气体,包括但不限于二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化碳等,并且能够测量从低浓度到高浓度的气体。
  • 自动校准功能:具备自动校准功能,减少了人为操作的误差,确保了长期使用的准确性。
  • 易于操作和维护:具有友好的用户界面,易于安装和使用,降低了维护成本。

AO2000 LS25 ABB应用领域:

  • AO2000 LS25广泛应用于工业自动化、电力、石油化工、冶金等领域,可用于实时监测和分析生产过程中的化学成分,以及大气、水体和土壤中的污染物检测等。
  • 还可用于环境监测、矿业和地质勘探、金属和合金分析、食品和饮料生产以及生命科学和医学研究等领域。

Product details: AO2000 LS25 ABB gas analyzer
High precision: The equipment has high-precision measurement capability, with linearity error ≤ 0.2% and stability error ≤ 0.1% F.S./24 hours, ensuring the accuracy of measurement results.
Wide measurement range: It can measure various gases, including but not limited to carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, etc., and can measure gases from low to high concentrations.
Automatic calibration function: Equipped with automatic calibration function, it reduces human operation errors and ensures long-term accuracy.
Easy to operate and maintain: With a user-friendly interface, it is easy to install and use, reducing maintenance costs.

AO2000 LS25 ABB is a gas analyzer with high precision, wide measurement range, easy operation and maintenance. It has a wide range of applications and strong compatibility, making it an ideal choice for industrial automation and environmental monitoring.

Product detailed parameters: AO2000 LS25 ABB gas analyzer
High precision: The equipment has high-precision measurement capability, with linearity error ≤ 0.2% and stability error ≤ 0.1% F.S./24 hours, ensuring the accuracy of measurement results.
Wide measurement range: It can measure various gases, including but not limited to carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide, etc., and can measure gases from low to high concentrations.
Automatic calibration function: Equipped with automatic calibration function, it reduces human operation errors and ensures long-term accuracy.
Easy to operate and maintain: With a user-friendly interface, it is easy to install and use, reducing maintenance costs.
AO2000 LS25 ABB application areas:
AO2000 LS25 is widely used in industrial automation, power, petrochemical, metallurgical and other fields, and can be used for real-time monitoring and analysis of chemical composition in production processes, as well as detection of pollutants in the atmosphere, water bodies, and soil.
It can also be used in fields such as environmental monitoring, mining and geological exploration, metal and alloy analysis, food and beverage production, as well as life science and medical research.

其他型号推荐:AO2000 LS25 ABB 气体分析仪

ABB MODULE 5SXE050151 3BHB003151P104 IGC ABB MODULE 5SXE050151 3BHB003151P104 IGCT
ABB 5SHX06F6004 3BHB003387R0101 IGCT MOD ABB 5SHX06F6004 3BHB003387R0101 IGCT MODULE
ABB 5SHX0660F0002 Silicon controlled ABB 5SHX0660F0002 Silicon controlled
ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon co ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon controlled
ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101 ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101
ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristo ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristor module
ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module
ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commut ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commutated Thyristor
ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5 ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5SXE08-0167
ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commu ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT MODULE
ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT MODULE
ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlle ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlled
ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commut ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit Board
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit Board
ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Gate- Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon controlled
ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 silicon controlled
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层