AO845A-eA 模拟输出

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AO845A-eA 模拟输出


如果给输出电路供电的过程电源电压过低,或者输出电流小于输出设定值且输出设定值> 1ma(开路),则报告外部通道错误(仅在有源通道上报告)。



AO845A-eA 模拟输出

The AO845A-eA Analog Output Module for single or redundant applications has 8 unipolar analog output channels. The module performs self-diagnostic cyclically. Module diagnostics include:

External Channel Error is reported (only reported on active channels) if the process power supply that supply voltage to output circuitry is too low, or the output current is less than the output set value and the output set value > 1 mA (open circuit).

Internal Channel Error is reported if the output circuit can not give the right current value. In a redundant pair the module will be commanded to error state by the ModuleBus master.

Module Error is reported in case of Output Transistor Error, Short Circuit, Checksum Error, Internal Power Supply Error, Status Link Error, Watchdog or Wrong OSP behavior.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层