B0110-627697900B 采用专业的运动控制芯片或高速DSP



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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


B0110-627697900B 采用专业的运动控制芯片或高速DSP


以一个通用的XYZ三轴通用控制平台开发为例,此平台加上胶枪、刀具等模块后可用于点胶、切割等用途,运动控制卡采用深圳众为兴数控开发的ADTA,ADTA运动控制卡是一款经济实用型运动控制卡, 轴伺服/步进电机控制,最大脉冲输出频率为MHz,每轴均有位置反馈输入;可实现-轴直线插补,可实现XYZ三轴插补,进行整体配合动作;带有路隔离数字输入,路隔离数字输出,可控制胶枪、刀具等模块;具有外部信号驱动、硬件缓存等功能,能满足绝大部分的轴以下工作平台的运动控制需求。

B0110-627697900B 采用专业的运动控制芯片或高速DSP

Motion control card is usually a professional motion control chip or high-speed DSP to meet a series of motion control needs of the control unit, which can be installed to PC and industrial PC through PCI, PC and other bus interfaces
On, it can be connected with stepper and servo drivers, drive stepper and servo motors to complete various movements (single-axis movement, multi-axis linkage, multi-axis interpolation, etc.), and receive various input signals (limit origin signal,
sensor), can output control relay, solenoid valve, cylinder and other components. Users can use VC, VB and other development tools, call the motion control – card function library, quickly develop the software. Take the development of a general XYZ three-axis general control platform as an example, this platform with glue gun, tool and other modules can be used for dispensing, cutting and other purposes, the motion control card adopts the ADTA developed by Shenzhen Zhongwei Xing Digital Control, ADTA motion control card is an economical and practical type of motion control card, shaft servo/stepper motor control. The maximum pulse output frequency is MHz, and each axis has position feedback input; Can realize linear interpolation of -axis, can realize XYZ three-axis interpolation, and carry out the overall coordination action; With road isolation digital input, road isolation digital output, can control the glue gun, tool and other modules; It has the functions of external signal drive, hardware cache, etc., which can meet the motion control needs of most of the sub-axis working platforms.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层