B0760-627913600B 通常由传感器、控制器和气体发生器等组成



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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


B0760-627913600B 通常由传感器、控制器和气体发生器等组成

安全气囊的工作原理是利用化学反应产生气体来迅速膨胀并充满气囊,从而保护乘客在汽车碰撞时免受伤害。 安全气囊系统通常由传感器、控制器和气体发生器等组成。当汽车发生碰撞时,传感器会检测到碰撞的力量和方向,并将这些信息发送给控制器。控制器会根据这些信息判断是否需要触发安全气囊,并在需要时发送信号给气体发生器。 气体发生器会产生大量的气体,通常是氮气或氩气,这些气体迅速充满安全气囊,从而形成一个柔软的缓冲垫,保护乘客的头部和身体。安全气囊通常会在几毫秒内迅速充气,以确保在碰撞发生时能够及时保护乘客。 安全气囊的工作原理是基于化学反应的,因此气体发生器中通常会包含一些化学物质,如叠氮化钠(NaN3)或硝酸铵(NH4NO3)等。这些化学物质在受到控制器的信号时会迅速反应,产生大量的气体,从而使安全气囊迅速膨胀。 总的来说,安全气囊的工作原理是利用化学反应产生气体来迅速膨胀并充满气囊,从而保护乘客在汽车碰撞时免受伤害。安全气囊是汽车安全系统的重要组成部分,它可以大大提高乘客在碰撞时的安全性。

B0760-627913600B 通常由传感器、控制器和气体发生器等组成

An automotive airbag module is a safety device used to protect passengers in the event of a car crash. It is usually composed of sensors, controllers and gas generators.
When a car crashes, sensors detect the force and direction of the collision and send this information to the controller. The controller will use this information to determine whether the airbag needs to be triggered and send a signal to the gas generator when needed.
Airbags work by using a chemical reaction to produce gas that rapidly expands and fills the bag, thereby protecting passengers from injury in the event of a car crash. The airbag system is usually composed of sensors, controllers and gas generators. When a car crashes, sensors detect the force and direction of the collision and send this information to the controller. The controller will use this information to determine whether the airbag needs to be triggered and send a signal to the gas generator when needed. The gas generator produces a large amount of gas, usually nitrogen or argon, which quickly fills the airbag, creating a soft cushion that protects the passenger’s head and body. Airbags typically inflate rapidly within milliseconds to ensure they protect passengers in time in the event of a collision. The working principle of the airbag is based on chemical reactions, so the gas generator usually contains some chemicals, such as sodium azide (NaN3) or ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). These chemicals react quickly when signaled by the controller, producing a large amount of gas, which causes the airbag to expand rapidly. In general, airbags work by using a chemical reaction to produce gas that rapidly expands and fills the bag, thereby protecting passengers from injury in the event of a car crash. Airbags are an important part of a car’s safety system, which can greatly improve passenger safety in the event of a crash.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层