CC-PDIL01 数字输入24VDC接受24VDC信号作为离散输入



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CC-PDIL01 数字输入24VDC接受24VDC信号作为离散输入



大型机:CC-PDIL01 控制点数一般在1000点以上。如如德维森公司的PPC22系列可扩展到2048点,OMRON公司的C1000H、CV1000,当地配置可达1024点。C2000H、CV2000当地配置可达2048点。




自然,也有特殊情况。如控制点数不是非常之多,CC-PDIL01 不是非用大型机不可,但因大型机的特殊控制单元多,可进行热备配置,因而采用了大型机。

CC-PDIL01 数字输入24VDC接受24VDC信号作为离散输入

Minicomputer control points can reach more than 100 points. For example, the V80 series PLC of Devison can be extended to 256 points, the C60P of OMRON can reach 148 points, and the CQM1 can reach 256 points.

Medium-sized machine control points can reach nearly 500 points, so that thousands of points. For example, Devison’s PPC11 series can be extended to 1024 points, OMRON’s C200H machine ordinary configuration can reach up to 700 points, C200Ha machine can reach more than 1000 points.

Mainframe: CC-PDIL01 control points are generally more than 1000 points. For example, Devisson’s PPC22 series can be extended to 2048 points, OMRON’s C1000H, CV1000, local configuration can reach 1024 points. The C2000H and CV2000 can reach 2048 points when configured locally.

Super large machine: The control points can reach 10,000 points, so that tens of thousands of points. For example, the 90-70 machine of GE in the United States can reach 24,000 points, and there can be 8,000 analog channels. Another example is the PC-E984-785 machine of the United States Modecon Company, whose total number of switching gauges is 32k (32768), and the analog quantity has 2048 channels. The Siemens SS-115U-CPU945 has a total number of switches up to 8k and an additional 512 analog channels. Let’s wait.

The above division is not strict, but only rough, the purpose is to facilitate the configuration and use of the system.

Generally speaking, according to the actual I/O points, where fall in the above different ranges, choose the corresponding model, the performance price ratio must be higher; On the contrary, it must be worse.

Naturally, there are special circumstances. If the number of control points is not very large, CC-PDIL01 is not necessary to use the mainframe, but because the mainframe has many special control units, it can be configured with hot backup, so the mainframe is used.



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