DFP100 励磁控制板模块交换机通常放置在企业的配线间或机房中


在安全性方面,DFP100励磁控制板模块交换机可以通过VLAN和ACL提供一定的安全保障。此外,为了实现负载均衡和冗余备份,可以采用服务器、防火墙、WEB CACHE等主设备和备份设备间的负载均衡技术。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


DFP100 励磁控制板模块交换机通常放置在企业的配线间或机房中

励磁控制板模块交换机是一种模块化、高密度端口的骨干路由交换机,DFP100具有高速无阻塞的交换能力。其背板带宽高达256G,二/三层包转发速率达到173 Mpps,可以满足大型企业园区对网络容量的需求。


在安全性方面,DFP100励磁控制板模块交换机可以通过VLAN和ACL提供一定的安全保障。此外,为了实现负载均衡和冗余备份,可以采用服务器、防火墙、WEB CACHE等主设备和备份设备间的负载均衡技术。



DFP100 励磁控制板模块交换机通常放置在企业的配线间或机房中

The excitation control board module switch is a modular, high-density port backbone routing switch, and the DFP100 has high-speed non-blocking switching capability. The backplane has a bandwidth of up to 256G and a Layer 2 / Layer 3 packet forwarding rate of 173 Mpps, which can meet the network capacity requirements of large enterprise parks.

The excitation control board module switch has up to 448 fast Ethernet ports and 116 gigabit ports, which can be flexibly configured according to user needs, while supporting the expansion of multiple modules. This switch also has powerful switching and routing functions, and can be used in conjunction with the various series of switches of Shida to provide users with a complete end-to-end solution.

In terms of security, the DFP100 excitation control board module switch can provide certain security through VLAN and ACL. In addition, to implement load balancing and redundancy backup, you can use the load balancing technology between the primary and backup devices, such as servers, firewalls, and WEB CACHE.

Excitation control board module switches are usually placed in the distribution room or the equipment room of an enterprise to meet the growing network requirements. When a new user joins the network, the administrator simply places a new device on top of the original and connects all the switches through an external “stack” interface. This is like developing a new, larger switch that can be easily managed alongside the original switch, but with an increased capacity.

In general, the DFP100 excitation control board module switch is an efficient, flexible and secure network device, which is suitable for the core layer and convergence layer applications of large networks, and has good flexibility, scalability and development potential.


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