ETT-VGA-0045 多功能VGA接口模块,专为工业应用而设计

在选择一台PLC时,用户可能会面临一些特殊类型且不能用标准I/O实现的I/O限定(如定位、快速输入、频率等)。此时用户应当考虑供销厂商是否提供有有助于限度减小控制作用的模块。有些特殊接口模块自身能处理一部分现场数据,从而使CPU从繁重的任务处理中解脱出来。2021 年“十四五规划”开局,中国数字化转型的落地进入关键的“拐点”阶段,与此同时,在“ 3060 碳目标”的要求下,中国制造企业转型升级迫在眉睫。然而,落实到具体应用,IT 与 OT 的数字融合问题依旧是横亘在制造企业转型面前的“大山”,数据价值难以充分发挥。

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ETT-VGA-0045 多功能VGA接口模块,专为工业应用而设计


在选择一台PLC时,用户可能会面临一些特殊类型且不能用标准I/O实现的I/O限定(如定位、快速输入、频率等)。此时用户应当考虑供销厂商是否提供有有助于限度减小控制作用的模块。有些特殊接口模块自身能处理一部分现场数据,从而使CPU从繁重的任务处理中解脱出来。2021 年“十四五规划”开局,中国数字化转型的落地进入关键的“拐点”阶段,与此同时,在“ 3060 碳目标”的要求下,中国制造企业转型升级迫在眉睫。然而,落实到具体应用,IT 与 OT 的数字融合问题依旧是横亘在制造企业转型面前的“大山”,数据价值难以充分发挥。

ETT-VGA-0045 多功能VGA接口模块,专为工业应用而设计

Analog input/output interfaces are generally used to sense signals generated by sensors. These interfaces can be used to measure flow, temperature and pressure, and can be used to control voltage or current output devices. Typical ranges for these interfaces are -10 to +10V, 0 to +11V, 4 to 20mA, or 10 to 50mA. Some manufacturers have special analog interfaces designed on the PLC, so that low level signals can be received, such as RTD, thermocouples, etc. In general, this type of interface module can be used to receive different types of thermocouple or RTD mixed signals on the same module.


When choosing a PLC, the user may face some special types of I/O restrictions that cannot be implemented with standard I/O (such as positioning, fast input, frequency, etc.). At this point, the user should consider whether the supplier provides a module that helps to minimize the control effect. Some special interface modules can process part of the field data themselves, so that the CPU can be freed from heavy task processing. At the beginning of the “14th Five-Year Plan” in 2021, the landing of China’s digital transformation has entered a key “inflection point” stage, at the same time, under the requirements of the “3060 carbon target”, the transformation and upgrading of Chinese manufacturing enterprises is imminent. However, when IT comes to specific applications, the digital integration of IT and OT is still a “mountain” in front of the transformation of manufacturing enterprises, and the value of data is difficult to give full play to.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层