F3236 HIMA 数字量输入模块 成都阳关熹禾

  • 微处理器:F3236模块使用两个与时钟同步的微处理器,每个微处理器都有自己的存储器,一个用于实际数据与程序,另一个用于反转的数据与程序。微处理器型号可能为INTEL 386EX,32位,时钟频率25MHz。
  • 存储和内存:模块使用闪存EPROM作为操作系统和用户程序的存储器,可支持至少100,000次写周期。
  • 通信接口:支持各种通信协议,如PROFIBUS DP、MODBUS TCP等,便于与其他系统或设备进行数据交换。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:F3236 HIMA 数字量输入模块

  1. 安全相关:F3236模块设计用于安全系统,可以监测和处理安全相关的数字输入信号,如开关状态、按钮状态等,确保在关键时刻系统能够准确响应。
  2. 多通道输入:具有多个数字量输入通道,可同时监测多个输入信号,适用于多个设备或位置的监控。
  3. 高可靠性和稳定性:作为安全系统的一部分,F3236模块具有高可靠性和稳定性,能够在恶劣环境下持续稳定工作。
  4. 故障检测和报警:模块可能具有故障检测功能,在发现故障时能够发出警报信息,帮助及时解决问题。
  5. 自动测试:在运行期间,模块会自动进行全面测试,确保功能正确,包括输入与走零的串扰、滤波电容器的功能以及模块的功能等,这大大提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。
  6. 与PLC兼容:F3236模块与各种HIMA PLC兼容,包括C300、C500和C700系列,同时也与其他制造商的安全PLC兼容,这为其在工业自动化和安全控制系统中的广泛应用提供了便利。
  7. 快速响应:模块能够快速响应输入信号的变化,并在发生故障或异常情况时立即触发相应的安全措施。
  8. 模块化设计:易于安装和维护,并且可以与其他安全系统组件集成,构建完整的安全控制系统。


产品详情参数 :F3236 HIMA 数字量输入模块

  • 输入点数:16通道数字量输入模块
  • 输入类型:数字量输入,可接收来自传感器、开关、按钮或其他数字设备的信号
  • 供电方式:支持5 V DC或24 V DC供电,输入可配置为6 mA或机械触点24 V
  • 工作温度范围:通常在-20℃至+60℃之间
  • 存储温度范围:一般为-40℃至+85℃
  • 湿度范围:相对湿度在5%至95%之间
  • 防护等级:IP20或更高

F3236 HIMA  应用领域:

HIMA F3236数字量输入模块以其高可用性、灵活组态、高安全性和广泛的兼容性等特点,在工业自动化和安全控制系统中发挥着重要作用。无论是化工、石油天然气、制造业还是电力和交通等领域,F3236模块都能提供可靠的数字输入解决方案。

HIMA F3236数字量输入模块的应用领域非常广泛,主要包括:

  • 化工和石油天然气:用于监测和控制各种设备和过程,确保生产线的稳定运行和安全性。
  • 制造业:接收和处理来自传感器、开关等设备的信号,实现生产过程的自动化和智能化。
  • 电力和交通:帮助实现电力系统的稳定运行和交通系统的安全保障。
  • 关键领域:如火灾和气体检测系统、防火系统、安全控制系统等,用于数据采集和控制操作

Product Details: F3236 HIMA Digital Input Module
Safety related: The F3236 module is designed for safety systems and can monitor and process safety related digital input signals, such as switch status, button status, etc., to ensure that the system can respond accurately at critical moments.
Multi channel input: With multiple digital input channels, it can simultaneously monitor multiple input signals and is suitable for monitoring multiple devices or locations.
High reliability and stability: As part of the safety system, the F3236 module has high reliability and stability, and can work continuously and stably in harsh environments.
Fault detection and alarm: The module may have fault detection function, which can issue alarm information when a fault is detected, helping to solve the problem in a timely manner.
Automatic testing: During operation, the module will automatically undergo comprehensive testing to ensure correct functionality, including crosstalk between input and zero, the function of filtering capacitors, and the functionality of the module, greatly improving the stability and reliability of the system.
Compatible with PLCs: The F3236 module is compatible with various HIMA PLCs, including the C300, C500, and C700 series, as well as safety PLCs from other manufacturers, providing convenience for its wide application in industrial automation and safety control systems.
Quick response: The module can quickly respond to changes in input signals and immediately trigger corresponding safety measures in case of faults or abnormal situations.
Modular design: easy to install and maintain, and can be integrated with other security system components to build a complete security control system.
Product details and parameters: F3236 HIMA digital input module
Input points: 16 channel digital input module
Input type: Digital input, capable of receiving signals from sensors, switches, buttons, or other digital devices
Power supply mode: Supports 5 V DC or 24 V DC power supply, input can be configured as 6 mA or mechanical contact 24 V
Working temperature range: usually between -20 ℃ and+60 ℃
Storage temperature range: generally -40 ℃ to+85 ℃
Humidity range: Relative humidity between 5% and 95%
Protection level: IP20 or higher
F3236 HIMA application areas:

The HIMA F3236 digital input module plays an important role in industrial automation and safety control systems due to its high availability, flexible configuration, high security, and wide compatibility. Whether in the fields of chemical engineering, oil and gas, manufacturing, or electricity and transportation, the F3236 module can provide reliable digital input solutions.

The application fields of HIMA F3236 digital input module are very wide, mainly including:

Chemical and petroleum natural gas: used for monitoring and controlling various equipment and processes to ensure the stable operation and safety of production lines.
Manufacturing industry: receiving and processing signals from sensors, switches, and other devices to achieve automation and intelligence in the production process.
Electricity and transportation: help achieve stable operation of the power system and ensure the safety of the transportation system.
Key areas: such as fire and gas detection systems, fire prevention systems, safety control systems, etc., used for data collection and control operations

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层