F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E 板卡还可以包含一个用于连接远程CAN总线I/O模块

通用电气(General Electric,简称 GE)是一家全球领先的多元化技术和服务公司,总部位于美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德市。该公司成立于 1892 年,业务范围涵盖航空、医疗、能源、可再生能源、数字、金融等多个领域。 通用电气在全球范围内拥有广泛的业务和客户群体,并在许多领域处于领先地位。该公司致力于通过技术创新和服务优化,为客户提供高质量的产品和解决方案,推动全球经济和社会的可持续发展。 通用电气是一家备受尊重和信赖的公司,在全球范围内享有良好的声誉和品牌形象。

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E 板卡还可以包含一个用于连接远程CAN总线I/O模块

远程I/O功能提供了一种在F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E或其他符合IEC61850的IED或控制器之间共享数字点状态信息的方式。远程输出通过IEC 61850 GSSE消息与其他F650设备的远程输入无缝对接。用户安全的对等通信,以开发分布式逻辑和I/O中的复杂方案。

F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E 板卡还可以包含一个用于连接远程CAN总线I/O模块

Up to two communication cards can be added to the rear of the F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E. In addition to the two identical ports COM1 and COM2, the board CAN also contain a CAN bus communication port for connecting to a remote CAN bus I/O module (CIO module). When the maximum number of I/ OS available inside the relay (up to 64 inputs and 16 outputs) is not enough to meet the needs of a specific application, use the CIO module to double the number of I/ OS of the F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E. In addition to increasing the number of I/ OS, the CIO module also allows the F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E to monitor signals located in remote locations with only one connection between the two devices, resulting in significant savings in installation costs.
The remote I/O capability provides a way to share digital point status information between F650-N-F-L-F-2-G-1-HI-P-6E or other IEC61850-compliant IEDs or controllers. Remote outputs Interface seamlessly with the remote inputs of other F650 devices via IEC 61850 GSSE messages. Secure peer-to-peer communication for users to develop complex schemes in distributed logic and I/O.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层