GE-H201Ti 是一种连续的油中溶解气体分析(DGA)监测器

GE Hydran 201Ti是一种连续的油中溶解气体分析(DGA)监测器,用于对变压器故障情况提供早期预警,从而最大限度地减少计划外停电。Hydran 201Ti永久安装在变压器上,为工作人员提供各种故障气体复合值的单一读数(ppm),以提醒他们注意潜在问题。

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GE-H201Ti 是一种连续的油中溶解气体分析(DGA)监测器

GE Hydran 201Ti是一种连续的油中溶解气体分析(DGA)监测器,用于对变压器故障情况提供早期预警,从而最大限度地减少计划外停电。Hydran 201Ti永久安装在变压器上,为工作人员提供各种故障气体复合值的单一读数(ppm),以提醒他们注意潜在问题。可以下载该值,并且可以将警报设置在预先确定的级别,以提醒人员并能够监控正在发展的故障状况。Hydran 201Ti具有本地和远程警报,设置在预定义的水平或变化率上,并通过串行端口通信远程查看气体读数和趋势。该设备有一个复合气体传感器,对氢气(一般故障气体)100%响应,对二氧化碳(过热纸张)敏感

Hydran 201Ti包括一个标准的Hydran传感器、一个热调节系统和一个基于微处理器的变送器。接线端易于连接到交流电源、报警点(气体高、气体高和系统故障)、调节连接和模拟0-1mA非隔离输出。也可以购买4-20mA隔离输出。它还提供了一个计算机接口

ydran 201Ti具有长达一年的本地数据记录和重大事件记录。该设备配备了一个复合气体传感器,可对各种气体做出响应。该传感器为工作人员提供各种故障气体的复合值的单一读数(ppm),以提醒他们注意潜在问题。可以下载该值,并将警报设置在预先确定的级别,以提醒人员并监控正在发展的故障状况

Hydran 201Ti是一款小型且易于安装的设备,可提供IEEE标准C57.104所使用的基本信息。它可以用作机组中变压器的重要防线,以获得故障条件的提前警告,并将计划外停电的风险降至最低。


GE-H201Ti 是一种连续的油中溶解气体分析(DGA)监测器

The GE Hydran 201Ti is a continuous dissolved gas in oil analysis (DGA) monitor designed to provide early warning of transformer failure conditions, thereby minimising unplanned outages [0]. The Hydran 201Ti is permanently installed on the transformer and provides workers with a single reading (ppm) of various faulty gas complex values to alert them to potential problems [1]. The value can be downloaded and alerts can be set at a pre-determined level to alert people and be able to monitor developing failure conditions. The Hydran 201Ti features local and remote alarms, set at predefined levels or rates of change, and remotely view gas readings and trends via serial port communication. The device has a composite gas sensor that is 100% responsive to hydrogen (a general fault gas) and sensitive to carbon dioxide (overheated paper)

The Hydran 201Ti includes a standard Hydran sensor, a thermal regulation system, and a microprocessor-based transmitter. Terminals are easy to connect to AC power, alarm points (high gas, high gas, and system failures), adjust connections, and simulate 0-1mA non-isolated outputs. 4-20mA isolated outputs can also be purchased. It also provides a computer interface

ydran 201Ti has a year-long local data record and a record of major events. The device is equipped with a composite gas sensor that responds to a variety of gases. The sensor provides workers with a single reading (ppm) of the compound values of various faulty gases to alert them to potential problems. This value can be downloaded and alerts set at a pre-determined level to alert people and monitor developing fault conditions

The Hydran 201Ti is a small, easy-to-install device that provides the basic information used in the IEEE standard C57.104. It can be used as an important line of defense for transformers in a unit to get advance warning of failure conditions and minimize the risk of unplanned power outages.

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层