GE PRG-MODEM (1) 调制器将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以便在模拟通信线路上传输

高速调制解调器模块可以支持多种通信标准和协议,例如以太网、ADSL、VDSL 等。它们通常具有高速的数据传输能力和良好的抗干扰性能,能够在嘈杂的环境中保持稳定的通信质量。 高速调制解调器模块通常用于需要高速数据传输的应用,例如视频会议、远程医疗、工业自动化等。它们可以与计算机、服务器、交换机等数字设备配合使用,实现数据的高速传输和处理。

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GE PRG-MODEM (1) 调制器将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以便在模拟通信线路上传输

高速调制解调器模块是一种用于将数字信号转换为模拟信号或反之的设备。它通常用于计算机、服务器和其他数字设备之间的数据传输。 高速调制解调器模块通常包括调制器和解调器两个部分。调制器将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以便在模拟通信线路上传输。解调器将接收到的模拟信号转换回数字信号,以便数字设备可以理解和处理。 高速调制解调器模块可以支持多种通信标准和协议,例如以太网、ADSL、VDSL 等。它们通常具有高速的数据传输能力和良好的抗干扰性能,能够在嘈杂的环境中保持稳定的通信质量。 高速调制解调器模块通常用于需要高速数据传输的应用,例如视频会议、远程医疗、工业自动化等。它们可以与计算机、服务器、交换机等数字设备配合使用,实现数据的高速传输和处理。

GE PRG-MODEM (1) 调制器将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以便在模拟通信线路上传输

A high-speed modem module is a device used to convert a digital signal to an analog signal or vice versa. It is commonly used for data transfer between computers, servers, and other digital devices.

A high-speed modem module usually consists of a modulator and a demodulator. A modulator converts a digital signal into an analog signal for transmission over an analog communication line. The demodulator converts the received analog signal back into a digital signal so that digital devices can understand and process it.

High-speed modem modules can support a variety of communication standards and protocols, such as Ethernet, ADSL, VDSL, etc. They usually have high-speed data transmission capability and good anti-interference performance, which can maintain stable communication quality in noisy environments.

High-speed modem modules are commonly used in applications that require high-speed data transmission, such as video conferencing, telemedicine, industrial automation, etc. They can be used with computers, servers, switches and other digital equipment to achieve high-speed data transmission and processing.

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层