IC200ALG322 Versamax模拟输出模块

IC200ALG322是由GE Fanuc设计的Versamax模拟输出模块。这款模块具有四个模拟电压输出,可以用作设备的连接器,并且能够通过整个Versamax PLC系统使用的同一背板电源供电,但输出部分需要外部电源。它的智能处理功能由Versamax系列的主CPU执行。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IC200ALG322 Versamax模拟输出模块

IC200ALG322是由GE Fanuc设计的Versamax模拟输出模块。这款模块具有四个模拟电压输出,可以用作设备的连接器,并且能够通过整个Versamax PLC系统使用的同一背板电源供电,但输出部分需要外部电源。它的智能处理功能由Versamax系列的主CPU执行。

该模块在+/-10.24伏直流输出电压和最小5000欧姆的电阻负载下运行,并具有12位分辨率。当模块在高于25摄氏度但低于60摄氏度的温度下使用时,其准确度等级为+/-0.3%到1%。此外,该模块的额定电流消耗为210毫安,通道间串扰抑制最小为70 dB,并且不受较高温度的影响。


IC200ALG322 Versamax模拟输出模块

The IC200ALG322 is a Versamax analog output module designed by GE Fanuc. The module has four analog voltage outputs that can be used as a connector for the device and is capable of being powered by the same backplane power supply used throughout the Versamax PLC system, but the output part requires an external power supply. Its intelligent processing functions are performed by the main CPU of the Versamax family.

The module operates at +/-10.24 volts DC output voltage and a minimum resistance load of 5000 ohms, and has a 12-bit resolution. When the module is used at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius but below 60 degrees Celsius, its accuracy rating is +/-0.3% to 1%. In addition, the module has a rated current consumption of 210 mA, minimum interchannel crosstalk suppression of 70 dB, and is not affected by higher temperatures.

Before installing the IC200ALG322 module, it is recommended to write down the serial number on the device and store all shipping containers and packaging materials properly. At the same time, the module also comes with different diagnostic methods, which can create reports to show if there is a side power loss in a typical field side circuit.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层