IC200ALG328J Versamax系列12通道、13位电流模拟输出模块

IC200ALG328是为GE Fanuc Versamax系列设计的1 2通道、13位电流模拟输出模块。 IC200ALG328具有 默认输出范围,但通过跳线可以轻松改变输出范围。所有输出都需要外部电源,CPU或网络接口单元会对IC200ALG328模块进行智能处理。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IC200ALG328J Versamax系列12通道、13位电流模拟输出模块

IC200ALG328是为GE Fanuc Versamax系列设计的1 2通道、13位电流模拟输出模块。 IC200ALG328具有 默认输出范围,但通过跳线可以轻松改变输出范围。所有输出都需要外部电源,CPU或网络接口单元会对IC200ALG328模块进行智能处理。

IC200ALG328如果背板电源或通信中断或PLC停止,模块的输出可以很容易地保持其最后状态或默认为跳线。背板必须向模块发送不同的输出数据,否则输出将保持默认或先前的状态。当处于0-20mA范围模式时,0mA的电流输出信号值匹配0计数的%AQ值,20mA对应于+32,000计数的%AQ值。如果在4-20mA范围模式下,0 %AQ计数值对应于4mA的输出电流,而+32, 000 %AQ计数值对应于20mA的输出电流。如果IC200ALG328被放入PLC框架,则无论选择的范围如何,负值都被调整并命令为0mA。



IC200ALG328J Versamax系列12通道、13位电流模拟输出模块

The IC200ALG328 is a 12-channel, 13-bit current analog output module designed for the GE Fanuc Versamax series. The IC200ALG328 has a default output range, but it can be easily changed with a jumper. All outputs require an external power supply, and the IC200ALG328 module is intelligently processed by the CPU or network interface unit.

IC200ALG328 If the backplane power or communication is interrupted or the PLC stops, the output of the module can easily remain in its final state or default to a jumper. The backplane must send different output data to the module, otherwise the output will remain in the default or previous state. When in 0-20mA range mode, the current output signal value of 0mA matches the %AQ value of 0 counts, and 20mA corresponds to the %AQ value of + 32,000 counts. If in the 4-20mA range mode, the 0% AQ meter value corresponds to the output current of 4mA, and the + 32,000 %AQ meter value corresponds to the output current of 20mA. If IC200ALG328 is put into the PLC frame, the negative value is adjusted and the command is 0mA regardless of the range selected.

Heat derated IC200ALG328 module. Ambient temperature, external voltage, and the orientation of modules and DIN guides are key factors in determining the number of channels that can be effective at the same time. The IC200ALG328 module has no heat derating at 24V.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层