IC200PWR002 用于在18-30 VDC的输入电源电压下工作

IC200PWR002是VersaMax平台的一部分,以前由GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP)制造,目前由艾默生自动化生产。该模块可用作主电源或电源

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IC200PWR002 用于在18-30 VDC的输入电源电压下工作

IC200PWR002是VersaMax平台的一部分,以前由GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP)制造,目前由艾默生自动化生产。该模块可用作主电源或电源升压器载体。当用作主电源时,该模块用于向安装并连接至背板VersaMax供电。当用作升压电源时,该模块安装在升压托架上,作为补充电源。


IC200PWR002设计用于在18-30 VDC的输入电源电压下工作,标称电源电压为24 VDC。模块输入功率为11瓦,保持时间为10毫秒。在24伏直流电下,最长持续时间为6毫秒的浪涌电流额定值为20安培,在30伏直流电下,最长持续时间为6毫秒的浪涌电流额定值为25安培。模块输出特性包括输出电压为5 VDC和3.3 VDC,输出电流为1 .5安培,在3.3 VDC时最大,在5 VDC时为1.0安培。但是,输出电流不能超过最大输出1.5安培。该电源模块还安装有内部短路、过载和反极性保护。

该电源模块主要用于VersaMax I/O模块、网络接口单元(NIU)和中央处理器单元(CPU)。

GE Fanuc IC200PWR002扩展电源模块用于为Io、CPU和Niu等背 板设备供电。如果连接到网络接口单元(NIU)或中央处理器单元(CPU),扩展电源模块将充当主电源。但是,如果连接到电源升压器托架,扩展电源模块将充当辅助电源。IC200PWR002模块的输出和输入电压需要DC电源。它的输出电压额定值为3.3伏DC和5伏DC,输入电压额定值为24伏DC。5伏DC和3.3伏DC 下的输出电压决定了模块的输出电流,电流不应超过1.5安培。

GE Fanuc Versamax IC200PWR002扩展电源模块的额定输入功率为11瓦,保持时间为10毫秒。它在30伏DC下的浪涌电流额定值为25安,在24伏
DC下的浪涌电流额定值为20安。IC200PWR002扩 展电源模块的总输出电流最大额定值应为1.5安培。如果输出电压额定值为3.3伏,输出电流将达到0.25安培。如果输出电压额定值为5伏,输出电流将达到1 .5安减去所用电压的3.3伏。它的尺寸为49毫米(1 .93英寸)x 133.4毫米(5.25英寸)x 39毫

IC200PWR002 用于在18-30 VDC的输入电源电压下工作

The IC200PWR002 is part of the VersaMax platform, formerly manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP) and currently produced by Emerson Automation. The module can be used as a main power supply or a power supply
Booster carrier. When used as the main power supply, the module is used to supply power to the VersaMax, which is installed and connected to the backplane. When used as a boost power supply, the module is mounted on a boost bracket as a supplementary power supply.

It has 5 screw type terminals located on the bottom front panel of the module. The two terminals on the left are the +DC and -DC terminals, while the third terminal is the ground terminal. The last two terminals do not need to be connected.

The IC200PWR002 is designed to operate at an input supply voltage of 18-30 VDC, with a nominal supply voltage of 24 VDC. Module input power is 11 watts and hold time is 10 milliseconds. At 24 volts DC
A surge current with a maximum duration of 6 ms is rated at 20 amps under electricity and a surge current with a maximum duration of 6 ms at 30 volts DC is rated at 25 amps. Module output features include
The output voltage is 5 VDC and 3.3 VDC, and the output current is 1.5 amps, with a maximum of 3.3 VDC and 1.0 amps at 5 VDC. However, the output current cannot exceed the maximum output 1.5 amps. This power source
Modules are also equipped with internal short circuit, overload and reverse polarity protection.

The power module is mainly used in VersaMax I/O modules, network interface units (NIU), and central processing unit (CPU).

The GE Fanuc IC200PWR002 expansion power module is used to power back board devices such as I/O, CPU, and Niu. If connected to a network interface unit (NIU) or central processing unit (CPU), the expansion power module will act as the main power supply. However, if connected to the power booster bracket, the expansion power module will act as an auxiliary power supply. The output and input voltages of the IC200PWR002 module require DC power supplies. It has an output voltage rating of 3.3 V DC and 5 V DC, and an input voltage rating of 24 V DC. The output voltage at 5 V DC and 3.3 V DC determines the output current of the module, and the current should not exceed 1.5 amps.
It has an extended power option, but no isolated power.

The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200PWR002 expansion power module has a rated input power of 11 watts and a hold time of 10 milliseconds. It has a surge current rating of 25 amps at 30 volts DC, at 24 volts
The inrush current rating at DC is 20 amps. The maximum total output current rating of the IC200PWR002 expansion power module should be 1.5 amps. If the output voltage rating is 3.3 volts, the output current will reach 0.25 amps. If the output voltage rating is 5 volts, the output current will be 1.5 amps minus 3.3 volts of the voltage used. It measures 49 mm (1.93 in)x 133.4 mm (5.25 in)x 39 millimetres
Meters (1.54 inches).


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层