IC200PWR002D 电源模块

IC200PWR002D是VersaMax平台的一部分电源模块,该平台以前由GE智能平台(GE IP)制造,目前由艾默生自动化生产。该模块既可以作为主电源,也可以作为电源增强载体。当用作主电源时,该模块用于为安装并连接到背板上的VersaMax提供电源。当用作升压电源时,该模块安装在升压载体上,起到补充电源的作用。它有5个螺钉型端子位于模块的底部前面板上。左边两个端子为+DC和-DC端子,第三个端子为接地端子。最后两个端子不需要连接。

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IC200PWR002D 电源模块

IC200PWR002D是VersaMax平台的一部分电源模块,该平台以前由GE智能平台(GE IP)制造,目前由艾默生自动化生产。该模块既可以作为主电源,也可以作为电源增强载体。当用作主电源时,该模块用于为安装并连接到背板上的VersaMax提供电源。当用作升压电源时,该模块安装在升压载体上,起到补充电源的作用。它有5个螺钉型端子位于模块的底部前面板上。左边两个端子为+DC和-DC端子,第三个端子为接地端子。最后两个端子不需要连接。

IC200PWR002D设计在18- 30vdc的输入电源电压下工作,标称电源电压为24vdc。模块输入功率为11瓦,保持时间为10毫秒。它的浪涌电流额定值为20安培,在24 VDC时最长持续时间为6毫秒,在30 VDC时最长持续时间为25安培,最长持续时间为6毫秒。模块的输出特性包括输出电压为5vdc和3.3 VDC,输出电流为1.5安培,最大输出电压为3.3 VDC,最大输出电流为1.0安培,最大输出电流不能超过1.5安培。该电源模块还安装了内部短路,过载和反极性保护。

该电源模块主要用于VersaMax I/O模块,网络接口单元(NIU)和中央处理器单元(cpu)。

GE FanucIC200PWR002D级联电源模块用于为背板I/ o、cpu、niu等设备供电。当连接到NIU (network interface unit)或CPU (central processing unit)时,扩展后的电源模块作为主电源。但如果接在电源升压载体上,则扩展电源模块作为二次电源。IC200PWR002模块的输出和输入电压均为直流电源。它的输出电压额定值为3.3伏直流和5伏直流,输入电压额定值为24伏直流。5伏直流电和3.3伏直流电的输出电压决定了模块的输出电流,电流不能超过1.5安培。它有一个扩展电源选项,但没有孤立的电源。

GE Fanuc Versamax IC200PWR002D扩展电源模块的输入额定功率为11瓦,保持时间为10毫秒。它也有一个冲击电流额定值为25安培在30伏直流和一个20安培在24伏直流。IC200PWR002扩展电源模块的总输出电流最大额定不超过1.5安培。额定输出电压为3.3伏时,输出电流可达0.25安培。如果输出额定电压为5v,则输出电流为1.5安培减去实际电压的3.3伏特。尺寸为49毫米(1.93英寸)x 133.4毫米(5.25英寸)x 39毫米(1.54英寸)。


IC200PWR002D 电源模块

The IC200PWR002D is a Power supply module that is part of the VersaMax platform, formerly manufactured by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP), currently produced by Emerson Automation. This module can be used as primary power supply or as a power supply booster carrier. When used as a primary power supply, this module is used to provide power to the enable the VersaMax installed and connected to the backplane. When used as a booster power supply, this module is installed to a booster carrier and function as a supplemental power supply. It has 5 screw type terminals located on the module’s bottom front panel. Two terminal from the left are the +DC and -DC terminals while the 3rd terminal is the ground terminal. The last Two terminals require no connection.

The IC200PWR002D is designed to operate at an input supply voltage of 18-30 VDC with nominal supply voltage of 24 VDC. The modules input power is 11 Watts with holdup time of 10 ms. It has an inrush current rating of 20 Amperes with maximum duration of 6 ms at 24 VDC and 25 Amperes for maximum duration of 6 ms at 30 VDC. The module output characteristics include output voltage of 5 VDC and 3.3 VDC with output current of 1.5 Amperes, maximum at 3.3 VDC and 1.0 Amperes at 5 VDC however, the output current cannot exceed the maximum output which is 1.5 Amperes. This power supply module is also installed with an internal short circuit, overload and reverse polarity protection.

This power supply module is used mainly with VersaMax I/O modules, Network Interface Units (NIU) and Central Processor Units (CPUs).

The GE FanucIC200PWR002D expanded power supply module is used to supply power to backplane devices such as I/Os, CPUs, and NIUs. If connected to a network interface unit (NIU) or a central processing unit (CPU), the expanded power supply module acts as the primary power supply. However, if it is connected to the power supply booster carrier, the expanded power supply module acts as the secondary power supply. The IC200PWR002 module requires DC power for its output and input voltage. It has an output voltage rating of both 3.3 Volts DC and 5 Volts DC, and an input voltage rating of 24 Volts DC. The output voltage, both at 5 Volts DC and 3.3 Volts DC, determines the module’s output current and the current should not exceed 1.5 Amps. It has an extended power option, but no isolated power.

The GE Fanuc Versamax IC200PWR002D expanded power supply module has an input power rating of 11 Watts and a holdup time of 10 milliseconds. It also has an inrush current rating of 25 Amps at 30 Volts DC and one of 20 Amps at 24 Volts DC. The total output current of the IC200PWR002 expanded power supply module should have a maximum rating of 1.5 Amps. If the output voltage rating is 3.3 Volts, the output current will reach up to 0.25 Amps. If the output voltage rating is 5 Volts, the output current will reach up to 1.5 Amps minus the 3.3 Volts of the voltage that is used. It has dimensions of 49 millimeters (1.93 inches) x 133.4 millimeters (5.25 inches) x 39 millimeters (1.54 inches).


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层