IC693MDL340 0.5安培交流输出模块


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IC693MDL340 0.5安培交流输出模块

IC693MDL340是GE发那科公司生产的90-30系列的120伏,0.5安培交流输出模块。它在两个孤立的组中提供16个输出点,每组8个输出点。这些组中的每一个都有一个单独的公共与它相关联(两个公共不集成在IC693MDL340中),允许每个组与独立的交流供电相使用。或者,也可以用相同的电源为两个公共场所供电。每组都有一个3安培的保险丝用于保护,以及一个RC缓冲器用于每个输出,以保护它们免受电源线的瞬态电气噪声的影响。该模块还具有85至132伏AC, 50/60 Hz的输出电压范围,每点最大输出电流为0.5安培。每组最大电流为3安培。


IC693MDL340的特点是一个插入,分离其铰链门的外部和内部表面。此门关闭后,模块内表面显示电路布线信息,外表面显示电路识别信息。插入件的左外边缘呈红色,表示为高压模块。IC693MDL340模块可以安装在系列90-30 PLC系统的5槽或10槽底板的任意I/O插槽中。IC693MDL340在开启时的最大响应时间为1 ms,最大关闭响应时间为½周期。它的功耗为315 mA(当所有输出都接通时),来自背板上的5个电压总线。

IC693MDL340 0.5安培交流输出模块

The IC693MDL340 is a 120 volt, 0.5 Amp AC Output Module of the Series 90-30 manufactured by GE Fanuc. It provides 16 output points in two isolated groups with eight points in each. Each of these groups has a separate common associated with it (the two commons are not integrated inside the IC693MDL340), allowing each group to be used with independent AC supply phases. Alternatively, it is also possible to power both commons with the same supply. Each group has a 3-ampere fuse for protection, as well as an RC snubber for each output to guard them against transient electrical noise from the power line. This module also has an output voltage range of 85 to 132 volts AC, 50/60 Hz, and an output current of 0.5 amperes maximum per point. The maximum per group is 3 amps.

IC693MDL340 provides a high-degree of inrush current, making its outputs advisable for controlling a great variety of loads, both inductive and incandescent. The user must provide an AC Power supply to operate the loads connected to outputs. This module can only function on an AC power source. IC693MDL340 has LED signaling lights at the top, designed to represent the ON/OFF status for each point. Additionally, it also has two horizontal lines with another eight green LEDs each, and one final LED at the center between the two lines. The eight LEDs at the top, which are identified as A1 to 8, indicate output status. The red “F” LED turns on to signal a blown fuse. Unless there is a load connected to the blown fuse, the LED will not function.

IC693MDL340 features an insert that separates its hinged door’s external and internal surface. Once this door is closed, circuit wiring information is shown the inside surface of the module, and circuit identification information can be found on the outside surface. The external left edge of the insert is colored red to indicate a high-voltage module. IC693MDL340 module can be installed in any I/O slot of a 5 or 10-slot baseplate in a Series 90-30 PLC system. IC693MDL340 has a response time of 1 ms maximum when ON and a maximum off response time of ½ cycle. It has a power consumption of 315 mA (when all outputs are on) from 5 voltages bus on backplane.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层